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Ruby Squibling

Ruby Squibling Aberration, Lawful Evil 2 450 xp

  • Armor class 13 (unarmored)
  • Hit points 72 (16d6+6)
  • Speed 30 fly 60
  • STR 14 (+2)
  • DEX 17 (+3)
  • CON 13 (+1)
  • INT 11 (0)
  • WIS 16 (+3)
  • CHA 10 (0)

Save Throws: CON +3

Skills: Athletics +6

Condition Immunities: Frightened

Senses: P.P 13 Darkvision 120 ft.

Languages: Understands all languages but speaks only Giant Owl

Challenge: 2 (450 xp)

Flyby The squibling doesn't provoke Opportunity Attacks when it flies out of an enemy's reach.


Multiattack The squibling makes 2 Peck attacks.

Peck. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage

Great Squibler

Great Squibler Large Aberration, Lawful Evil 5 1,800 xp

  • Armor class 15 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit points 152 (16d10+64)
  • Speed 40
  • STR 13 (+1)
  • DEX 16 (+3)
  • CON 18 (+4)
  • INT 26 (+8)
  • WIS 17 (+3)
  • CHA 14 (+2)

Save Throws: DEX+6, WIS+6

Skills: Acrobatics+6, Arcana+11, Perception+6

Damage Resistances: Necrotic, Psychic

Condition Immunities: Blind, Charm, Deaf, Frighten, Sleep

Senses: P.P. 16, Darkvision 120 ft.

Languages: Understands all languages, Telepathy

Challenge: 5 (1,800 xp)

Flyby: provoke no AoO if attacking whilst flying. Multiattack x3. Flying speed 60.
Avoidance: half damage on failed save, no damage on success. Foresight: Reaction: reduce damage taken by 2d10+3. if reduced to 0, attacker takes 3 force dmg.
AC +3. All saving throws +3. Regeneration Heal 15 HP at start of turn.
Turn invisible at start of turn. Sneak attack +2d6


Multiattack. The great squibler can make 2 Talon attacks.

Talon. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (4d6 + 3) slashing damage.

Mind Blast 5-6. Ranged Spell Attack: DC 19, range: 120 ft., one creature. Target must make an intelligence saving throw. On a fail, it takes 20 (3d12) psychic damage and becomes incapacitated until the end of its next turn. creature takes half damage and is not incapacitated on a success.

Dream Eater. Channeled concentration. Each turn, all creatures within a 10 ft radius from the great squibler are affected as per the Sleep spell (5d8).For every round after the first that it maintains concentration the amount of d8s increases by 2. During the channeling of this spell, the great squibler's speed is reduced by 30 ft.
At the start of its turn, the great squibler may choose to end the spell early, dealing 14 (3d8) psychic damage to all sleeping creatures within 30ft of it.

Emerald Squibling

Emerald Squibling Aberration, Lawful Evil 2 450 xp

  • Armor class 14 (unarmored)
  • Hit points 72 (16d6+6)
  • Speed 30
  • STR 14 (+2)
  • DEX 17 (+3)
  • CON 13 (+1)
  • INT 11 (0)
  • WIS 16 (+3)
  • CHA 10 (0)

Save Throws: STR +3, DEX +4, CON +4, INT +1, WIS +3, CHA +1

Skills: Persuasion +4

Condition Immunities: Frightened

Senses: P.P 13 Darkvision 120 ft.

Languages: Understands all languages but speaks only Giant Owl

Challenge: 2 (450 xp)

Regeneration The squibling gains 5 HP at the start of its turn.

Distractive Each enemy creature that can see the Emerald Squibling has disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other than the Emerald Squibling.,


Peck. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage

Sapphire Squibling

Sapphire Squibling Aberration, Lawful Evil 2 450 xp

  • Armor class 13 (unarmored)
  • Hit points 72 (16d6+6)
  • Speed 30
  • STR 14 (+2)
  • DEX 17 (+3)
  • CON 13 (+1)
  • INT 11 (0)
  • WIS 16 (+3)
  • CHA 10 (0)

Save Throws: CON +3

Skills: Perception +7

Condition Immunities: Frightened

Senses: P.P 17 Darkvision 120 ft.

Languages: Understands all languages but speaks only Giant Owl

Challenge: 2 (450 xp)

Avoidance If the squibling is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it fails.

Foresight As reaction, when the squibling takes damage, it can reduce the damage by 14 (2d10+3). If this reduces the damage to 0, the attacker takes 3 force damage.,,


Featherblade. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 60/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 3) slashing damage and 5 (1d8) necrotic damage.

Amethyst Squibling

Amethyst Squibling Aberration, Lawful Evil 2 450 xp

  • Armor class 13 (unarmored)
  • Hit points 72 (16d6+6)
  • Speed 30
  • STR 14 (+2)
  • DEX 17 (+3)
  • CON 13 (+1)
  • INT 11 (0)
  • WIS 16 (+3)
  • CHA 10 (0)

Save Throws: CON +3

Skills: Stealth +7

Condition Immunities: Frightened

Senses: P.P 13 Darkvision 120 ft.

Languages: Understands all languages but speaks only Giant Owl

Challenge: 2 (450 xp)

Invisibility The squibling turns invisible at the start of its turn.

Sneak Attack Once per turn, the squibling deals an extra 1d6 damage to one creature it hits with an Attack if it has advantage on the Attack roll, or another conscious enemy within 5 feet of the target and it doesn't have disadvantage on the Attack roll.,


Featherblade. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit reach 60/120 ft. one target. Hit: 6 - 10 (1d4 + 3)(+1d6 if sneak attack) slashing damage and 5 (1d8) necrotic damage.