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Mythic Weapon (attunement)

This weapon gives you a bonus to Attack, Damage, Spell Attack and Healing equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded down.

Using a bonus action this Greatbow can be changed into a Longsword or a Whip. While in Whip form you gain the Whip Expert feat and its range is increased to 15 feet.

[3/day] This weapon has 3 Charges that reset everyday at dawn. You can expend a charge to use the following options:

  • The next time you deal damage or restore hit points while attuned to this weapon you can use your reaction to expend a charge and roll any number of Hit Dice from your Hit Dice pool to add to your damage or healing rolls.

  • When you make an attack with this weapon you can use your reaction and expend a charge to change the damage to either fire or acid damage.
  • Wrappings of Morvek’n
    Mythic Wonderous Item (attunement)

    This item gives you a bonus to Attack, Damage, Spell Attack and Healing equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded down.

    Using a bonus action you can make a ranged attack against a target within 15ft. On a hit the target is pulled 5 ft toward you as long as the target is one size larger than you or smaller.
    [3/day] This item has 3 Charges that reset everyday at dawn. You can expend a charge to use the following options:

  • The next time you deal damage or restore hit points while attuned to this item you can use your reaction to expend a charge and roll any number of Hit Dice from your Hit Dice pool to add to your damage or healing rolls.

  • When you hit a target with an attack you can use your reaction to expend a charge to replace the damage with a grapple. The target can only be one size larger than you or smaller and you can only grapple one creature at a time.
  • Amulet of the Celestia
    Mythic item (attunement)

    This item gives you a bonus to Attack, Damage, Spell Attack and Healing equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded down.

    Using a bonus action you can target a creature within 30 ft and that creature regains a number of hit dice equal to your proficiency bonus and are add to the targets hit dice pool. The target may use their reaction when targeted with this ability to expend hit dice equal to their proficiency bonus to heal like a short rest. A creature can only be targeted by this once per day.
    [3/day] This item has 3 Charges that reset everyday at dawn. You can expend a charge to use the following options:

  • The next time you deal damage or restore hit points while attuned to this item you can use your reaction to expend a charge and roll any number of Hit Dice from your Hit Dice pool to add to your damage or healing rolls.
  • Whenever a creature within 30 ft is hit with an attack or fails a saving throw you can expend a charge to increase their AC or saving throw equal to the targets proficiency bonus.
  • Enochian Ring
    Mythic Item (attunement)

    This item gives you a bonus to Attack, Damage, Spell Attack and Healing equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded down.

    Using a bonus action this ring can be used to grant a creature within 30 ft the properties of the levitate spell. A creature can only be the target of this once per day.

    [3/day] This item has 3 Charges that reset everyday at dawn. You can expend a charge to use the following options:

  • The next time you deal damage or restore hit points while attuned to this item you can use your reaction to expend a charge and roll any number of Hit Dice from your Hit Dice pool to add to your damage or healing rolls.

  • When you make an attack while attuned to this item you can use your reaction and expend a charge to change the damage to either radiant or necrotic damage.
  • Bracers of Woven Glass
    Mythic Item (attunement)

    This item gives you a bonus to Attack, Damage, Spell Attack and Healing equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded down.

    While attuned to this item you can use your reaction to target a creature within 30 ft granting them the effects of the absorb elements spell. A creature can only be the target of this once per day.
    [3/day] This item has 3 Charges that reset everyday at dawn. You can expend a charge to use the following options:

  • The next time you deal damage or restore hit points while attuned to this item you can use your reaction to expend a charge and roll any number of Hit Dice from your Hit Dice pool to add to your damage or healing rolls.
  • When hit with an attack you may expend a charge using your reaction to replace the damage with a Dexterity or Strength saving throw (your choice) against your spell save DC. On a failed saving throw the creature becomes disarmed or a random item from the creature is obtained.
  • Vinz
    Mythic Companion (attunement)

    This item gives you a bonus to Attack, Damage, Spell Attack and Healing equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded down.
    Using a bonus action you can command Vinz to grant a creature within 30 ft the properties of the Enlarge/Reduce spell using your spell DC. A creature can only be the target of this once per day.

    [3/day] Vinz has 3 Charges that reset everyday at dawn. You can expend a charge to use the following options:

  • The next time you deal damage or restore hit points while attuned to this item you can use Vinz's reaction to expend a charge and roll any number of Hit Dice from your Hit Dice pool to add to your damage or healing rolls.
  • Whenever a spell you cast deals damage you can expend a charge using your reaction to designate one of the damage dice. A targeted a creature within 30 ft gains temperary Hit Points equal to the amount rolled on the designated damage dice.