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  • casting time Bonus
  • range [formation]

  • components
  • duration [tactic]

By fighting as a close knit group, the Squad keeps a look out and protects each others backs.

Effect: +1 to AC and Saving Throws.

Condition: Squad member is Adjacent to another Squad member.

Noble Defensive Stratagem

Drop and Roll!

  • casting time Reaction
  • range

  • components -
  • duration [order]

A quick signal warns a Squad member of impending danger, allowing them to dive for cover.

Trigger: Squad member is the Target of a Strike.

Effect: The Squad member can immediately use one or all of the Step, Go Prone and Take Cover Actions as a Free Action. These are resolved before the Strike.

Noble Defensive Stratagem


  • casting time Bonus
  • range [formation]

  • components -
  • duration [order]

Shoulder to shoulder, the Squad steady their shields and become an impenetrable wall.

Effect: Squad members can use the Raise a Shield Action as a Free Action.

Condition: Squad member is next to another Squad member.

Additionally, any Squad member wielding a Shield, can also Shove any Adjacent Creature as a Free Action.

Noble Defensive Stratagem

Spread Out

  • casting time Bonus
  • range [formation]

  • components -
  • duration [tactic]

By keeping distance from each other and the enemy, the Squad makes it harder to pin them down.

Effect: +1 to AC and Saving Throws.

Condition: Squad member is not Adjacent to any other Creature.

Noble Defensive Stratagem

Encroaching Approach

  • casting time Bonus
  • range [formation]

  • components Ranged Strikes
  • duration [tactic]

The Squad keeps their enemies close and gives them no respite with their oppressive advance.

Effect: +1 to Hit with Ranged Strikes.

Condition: Squad member Targets Creature within the first Range Increment of their Weapon.

Noble Offensive Stratagem


  • casting time Bonus
  • range [formation]

  • components Ranged Strikes
  • duration [tactic]

By spacing out their angles of attack, the Squad denies their enemies any safe quarter.

Effect: +1 to Hit with Ranged Strikes.

Condition: Squad member is not Adjacent to any other Creature.

Noble Offensive Stratagem

Firing Squad! 

  • casting time Action
  • range [formation]

  • components Ranged Strikes
  • duration [order]

As one, the Squad fires at the same enemy, aiming to take them out quickly.

Effect: Two (2) Squad members can Swap to a Ranged Weapon and perform a Ranged Strike as a Free Action.

Condition: Squad members are Adjacent to each other.

Noble Offensive Stratagem

Single Out

  • casting time Bonus
  • range

  • components Ranged Strikes
  • duration [tactic]

By maintaining their attention on a single target, the Squad makes sure each additional hit hurts more than the last.

Effect: +1 Die to Damage with Ranged Strikes.

Condition: Squad member Targets the Creature last Targeted by another member of the Squad.

Noble Offensive Stratagem


  • casting time Bonus
  • range [formation]

  • components Melee Strikes
  • duration [tactic]

Like a pack of hunters, the Squad closes in for the kill against an isolated enemy.

Effect: +1 Die to Damage with Melee Strikes.

Condition: Squad member Targets Creature that has no Allies Adjacent to them.

Noble Offensive Stratagem


In My Name!

  • casting time Free
  • range

  • components All Strikes
  • duration [order]

With their last breath, a call for vengeance rings out, inspiring fervor and immediate action in the Squad.

Trigger: The Noble is reduced to 0 HP.

Effect: All Squad members can immediately take the Stride or Strike Action as a Free Action.

Condition: The Stride must bring them closer to, and the Strike must be against, the Creature that reduced the Noble to 0 HP.

Noble Offensive Stratagem

For the Fallen

  • casting time Bonus
  • range

  • components All Strikes
  • duration [tactic]

By invoking the name of the fallen, the Squad focuses their attention on the one who brought them down.

Effect: +1 Die to Damage with Strikes.

Condition: A Squad member is at 0 HP, and Strike is performed against the Creature that reduced the Squad member to 0 HP..

Noble Offensive Stratagem

Pincer Maneuver! 

  • casting time Action
  • range [formation]

  • components Melee Strikes
  • duration [order]

The Squad creates gaps in their enemies defense by surrounding them, and takes advantage of it to deliver simultaneous attacks. 

Effect: Two (2) Squad members can perform a Melee Strike as a Free Action.

Condition: Squad members are Flanking the same Creature, and perform both Strikes against it.

Noble Offensive Stratagem

Practice Makes Perfect!

  • casting time Reaction
  • range

  • components All Strikes
  • duration [order]

Without a second thought, a Squad member doubles down on their target, with even more determination.

Trigger: Squad member Fails a Strike.

Effect: Squad member can make a Strike as a Free Action. The Strike receives +1 to Hit and +1 Die to Damage.

Condition: Must use the same Weapon and Target the same Creature..

Noble Offensive Stratagem

Synchronize Strikes

  • casting time Bonus
  • range [formation]

  • components Melee Strikes
  • duration [tactic]

The Squad works in close proximity, making it easier to land their strikes up close.

Effect: +1 to Hit with Melee Strikes.

Condition: Squad member is Adjacent to another Squad member, or is Flanking their Target.

Noble Offensive Stratagem

Wild Fire!

  • casting time Full
  • range

  • components Ranged Strikes
  • duration [order]

When outnumbered, a quick salvo from the whole Squad evens out the odds.

Effect: All Squad member can make a Ranged Strike.

Condition: All Squad Members Target different Creatures.

Noble Offensive Stratagem

Cordon Perimeter

  • casting time Bonus
  • range [formation]

  • components -
  • duration [tactic]

The Squad stands their ground, closing off any route of escape, boxing in their enemies.

Effect: Squad member can perform an Athletics Check to Grapple, Shove or Trip as a Free Action.

Condition: A Creature becomes within Reach, and the Squad member Targets them.

Noble Utility Stratagem

On Your Feet!

  • casting time Action
  • range

  • components -
  • duration [order]

A forceful command inspires the will to live in the Squad, and makes sure it wins out.

Effect: The Squad member gains 1 HP and can take the Stand Up Action as a Free Action.

Condition: Squad member is at 0 HP, but not Dead.

Additionally, the affected Squad member ignores any Negative Conditions when making Strikes for their next Turn.

Noble Utility Stratagem

Everyone Makes It!

  • casting time Reaction
  • range

  • components -
  • duration [order]

The Squad leaves no one behind, and rush to move in to protect any fallen member before they even reach the ground.

Trigger: A Squad member is reduced to 0 HP.

Effect: All Squad members can immediately Step or Stride as a Free Action.

Condition: The Action must bring them closer to the fallen Squad Member.

Noble Utility Stratagem


On Me!

  • casting time Move
  • range

  • components -
  • duration [order]

Be it for offense or defense, the Squad forms up in the blink of an eye, ready for their next move.

Effect: All Squad members can take the Stride Action as a Free Action, as long as they use the whole Action to move closer to the Noble.

Condition: None.

Noble Utility Stratagem

Momentum Shift!

  • casting time Bonus
  • range

  • components -
  • duration [order]

By adjusting the order of operations on the fly, the Squad guarantees the most efficient sequence to their actions.

Effect: Two (2) Squad members change positions in the Initiative Order with each other.

Condition: None.

Noble Utility Stratagem

Tag Out!

  • casting time Move
  • range

  • components -
  • duration [order]

The Squad quickly mixes up their position amongst themselves, and move into a more advantageous set-up.

Effect: Two (2) Squad members can Stride as a Free Action.

Condition: Squad members must end their Stride in the space the other was previously occupying.

Noble Utility Stratagem

Triple Time

  • casting time Bonus
  • range

  • components -
  • duration [tactic]

The Squad keeps in constant motion, guiding each other to safety.

Effect: Squad members can perform the Stride or the Step Action at the end of their Turn as a Free Action.

Condition: Cannot end the granted Action next to a Hostile Creature.

Noble Utility Stratagem