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  • casting timeCast Time
  • rangeRange

  • componentsComponents
  • durationDuration


Other Type

Alphinius’ Gooey Finger

  • casting time1 action
  • range60 ft

  • componentsV
  • duration S

M (vial of sampled ooze)

1 round Transmutation

Armor of the Veil

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsV
  • duration S

M (a small circle of mitrium inscribed with an elemental rune)

1 hour Abjuration

Arrow of Seeing

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV
  • duration S

M (a peacock feather and an arrow

crossbow bolt Divination

Barscald’s Comfort

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV
  • duration M (a drop of water and a speck of sulfur on asmall tuft of wood which is consumed by the spell)

1 hour

crossbow bolt Transmutation

Beast Bolt

  • casting time1 action
  • range60 ft

  • componentsV
  • duration S


crossbow bolt Conjuration

Beast Claws

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsV
  • duration S


With a flick of your wrists Transmutation

Befoul Food and Drink [R]

  • casting time1 action
  • range10 ft

  • componentsV
  • duration S


With a flick of your wrists Transmutation

Burst Pods [R]

  • casting time1 minute
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV
  • duration S

M (a painted seed)

8 hours Transmutation

Level Level
Cantrip Cantrip
1st 1st
1st 1st
Cantrip Cantrip
Cantrip Cantrip
Cantrip Cantrip
1st 1st
1st 1st


  • casting time1 action
  • range30 ft

  • componentsV
  • duration S

M (an insect cocoon)

Concentration Conjuration

Confound Languages

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV
  • duration S

1 hour

Concentration Enchantment

Condruse's Mad Musing

  • casting time1 action
  • range60 ft

  • componentsV
  • duration S


When you cast this spell Enchantment

Dim The Light

  • casting time1 action
  • range30 ft

  • componentsV
  • duration S

M (a piece of sheer black cloth)

Instantaneous Transmutation

Dri’Vreth’s Flashing Hands

  • casting time1 action
  • range60 ft

  • componentsV
  • duration S

M (pinch of crushed crystals)

Instantaneous Evocation

Energize Flowstone Core

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV
  • duration S


Instantaneous Evocation


  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV
  • duration M

M (silver needle)

Instantaneous Transmutation

Ever-Present Hat

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsV
  • duration S

M (a piece of fabric)

1 hour Illusion

Evrodonn’s Retaliatory Smite

  • casting time1 bonus action
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsV
  • duration S

M (a small piece of granite)

Instantaneous Evocation

1st 1st
1st 1st
Cantrip Cantrip
Cantrip Cantrip
Cantrip Cantrip
1st 1st
Cantrip Cantrip
Cantrip Cantrip
1st 1st


  • casting time1 bonus action
  • range60 ft

  • componentsV
  • duration S


up to 1 minute Evocation

Force Dart

  • casting time1 action
  • range30 ft

  • componentsV
  • duration S

M (a pin or needle)

Instantaneous Evocation

Geva’arlijkeding’s Fear Seeker

  • casting time1 bonus action
  • range30 ft

  • componentsV
  • duration S

M (drop of urine)

Instantaneous Divination

Glittering Stardust

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeSelf (15-foot cone)

  • componentsV
  • duration S


Instantaneous Evocation

Healing Hum

  • casting time1 action
  • range15 ft

  • componentsV
  • duration S

M (a cat's whisker)

Concentration Evocation

Hepatic Lance

  • casting time1 action
  • range60 ft

  • componentsV
  • duration S

M (gall bladder of a small animal)

Instantaneous Conjuration

N’Fernea’s Fist

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV
  • duration S


Instantaneous Evocation


  • casting time1 action
  • range60 ft

  • componentsV
  • duration S


With a flourished gesture Transmutation

Pleochroic Bullets

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV
  • duration S

1 hour

With a flourished gesture Transmutation

1st 1st
Cantrip Cantrip
1st 1st
1st 1st
1st 1st
Cantrip Cantrip
1st 1st
Cantrip Cantrip
1st 1st

Protection from Disease

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV
  • duration S

M (paste made from acorn

holly berry Abjuration

Prysmatic Lightshow

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeSelf (15-foot cone)

  • componentsV
  • duration S


holly berry Evocation

Radean’s Bright Beam

  • casting time1 action
  • range60 ft

  • componentsV
  • duration S


holly berry Evocation

Radiant Flames

  • casting time1 action
  • range10 ft radius sphere

  • components 60 ft
  • durationV


Instantaneous Evocation

Recoil In Fear

  • casting time1 action
  • range10 ft

  • componentsV
  • durationInstantaneous

You utter the vilest words and your appearance becomes momentarily horrific. One creature within range who can see you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw. On a fail the creature must move up to 10 feet away from you if able.

Instantaneous Illusion


  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV
  • duration S

M (a small piece of mitrium)

Instantaneous Transmutation

Restore Undead

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV
  • duration S

M (a pinch of grave dust)

Instantaneous Necromancy

Rolf’s Hairball

  • casting time1 action
  • range30 ft

  • componentsV
  • duration S

M (a pinch of cat fur)

1 minute Conjuration

Rycroft’s Regal Raiments

  • casting time1 action
  • range30 ft

  • componentsV
  • duration S

M (a needle and a bit of thread)

4 hours Illusion

1st 1st
1st 1st
Cantrip Cantrip
1st 1st
Cantrip Cantrip
1st 1st
1st 1st
1st 1st
1st 1st

Sanguine Slime

  • casting time1 action
  • range30 ft

  • componentsV
  • duration S


up to 1 minute Conjuration

Scent Blocker

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV
  • duration S

M (a bit of mud and a piece of soap)

Concentration Illusion

Shelter from the Elements

  • casting time1 reaction
  • range which you take when you are hit by an attack that deals acid

  • components cold
  • duration fire


or thunder damage. Abjuration

Silwasp’s Sting

  • casting time1 bonus action
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsV
  • duration S

M (a silwasp stinger)

Concentration Transmutation

Skin Of Green

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV
  • duration S

M (a fresh green leaf)

8 hours Transmutation

Snow Running

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV
  • duration S

M (a rabbit's foot)

Concentration Transmutation

Spider Strike

  • casting time1 bonus action
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsV
  • durationConcentration

up to 1 minute

Concentration Conjuration


  • casting time1 action
  • rangeSelf (20-foot cone)

  • componentsV
  • duration S


Throwing your palm forward Conjuration

Stutter Step

  • casting time1 action
  • range60 ft

  • componentsV
  • duration S


Throwing your palm forward Transmutation

1st 1st
1st 1st
1st 1st
1st 1st
1st 1st
1st 1st
1st 1st
1st 1st
Cantrip Cantrip

Ten Minute Masquerade

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV
  • duration S

10 minutes

Throwing your palm forward Illusion


  • casting time1 action
  • rangeSelf (20-foot cone)

  • componentsV
  • duration S

M (a small bell)

Concentration Evocation

Vixen’s Darting Distraction

  • casting time1 action
  • range60 ft

  • componentsV
  • duration S


Concentration Evocation

Zol’dothryn’s Fearful Projection

  • casting time1 action
  • range120 ft

  • componentsV
  • duration S


Concentration Enchantment

Zythic Darts

  • casting time1 action
  • range120 ft

  • componentsV
  • duration S


Upon casting Evocation

Zythic Flowjectiles

  • casting time1 action
  • range120 ft

  • componentsV
  • duration S

M (gemstone dust worth at least 10 Golds

see description) Evocation

1st 1st
1st 1st
Cantrip Cantrip
Cantrip Cantrip
1st 1st
1st 1st