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  • casting time1 action
  • range60 feet

  • componentsV S
  • durationInstantaneous

You cause numbing frost to form on one creature that you can see within range. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save the target takes 1d6 cold damage and it has disadvantage on the next weapon attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.

The spell's damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6) 11th level (3d6) and 17th level (4d6).

Sorcerer (XGE) Evocation cantrip


  • casting time1 action
  • range60 feet

  • componentsS
  • durationInstantaneous

Choose one object weighing 1 to 5 pounds within range that isn't being worn or carried. The object flies in a straight line up to 90 feet in a direction you choose before falling to the ground stopping early if it impacts against a solid surface. If the object would strike a creature that creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save the object strikes the target and stops moving. When the object strikes something the object and what it strikes each take 3d8 bludgeoning damage.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher the maximum weight of objects that you can target with this spell increases by 5 pounds and the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.

Sorcerer (XGE) 1st level Transmutation

Chaos Bolt

  • casting time1 action
  • range120 feet

  • componentsV S
  • durationInstantaneous

You hurl an undulating warbling mass of chaotic energy at one creature in range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit the target takes 2d8 + 1d6 damage. Choose one of the d8s. The number rolled on that die determines the attack's damage type. 1 Acid. 2 Cold. 3 Fire. 4 Force. 5 Lightning. 6 Poison. 7 Psychic. 8 Thunder.

If you roll the same number on both d8s the chaotic energy leaps from the target to a different creature of your choice within 30 feet of it. Make a new attack roll against the new target and make a new damage roll which could cause the chaotic energy to leap again.

A creature can be targeted only once by each casting of this spell.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher each target takes 1d6 extra damage of the type rolled for each slot level above 1st.

Sorcerer (XGE) 1st level Evocation


  • casting time1 action
  • range30 feet

  • componentsV S M
  • duration8 hours

a tiny strip of white cloth

Your spell bolsters your allies with toughness and resolve. Choose up to three creatures within range. Each target's hit point maximum and current hit points increase by 5 for the duration.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher a target's hit points increase by an additional 5 for each slot level above 2nd.

Sorcerer (Clockwork Soul) 2nd level Abjuration

Lesser Restoration

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV S
  • durationInstantaneous

You touch a creature and can end either one disease or one condition afflicting it. The condition can be blinded deafened paralyzed or poisoned.

Sorcerer (Clockwork Soul) 2nd level Abjuration

Storm Sphere

  • casting time1 action
  • range150 feet

  • componentsV S
  • durationConcentration up to 1 minute

A 20-foot-radius sphere of whirling air springs into existence centered on a point you choose within range. The sphere remains for the spell's duration. Each creature in the sphere when it appears or that ends its turn there must succeed on a Strength saving throw or take 2d6 bludgeoning damage. The sphere's space is difficult terrain.

Until the spell ends you can use a bonus action on each ofyour turns to cause a bolt of lightning to leap from the center of the sphere toward one creature you choose within 60 feet of the center. Make a ranged spell attack. You have advantage on the attack roll if the target is in the sphere. On a hit the target takes 4d6 lightning damage.

Creatures within 30 feet of the sphere have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks made to listen.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher the damage for each of its effects increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 4th.

Sorcerer (XGE) 4th level Evocation

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