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  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV, M
  • duration1 hour

a firefly or phosphorescent moss

You touch one object that is no larger than 10 feet in any dimension. Until the spell ends, the object sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. The light can be colored as you like. Completely covering the object with something opaque blocks the light. The spell ends if you cast it again or dismiss it as an action.
If you target an object held or worn by a hostile creature, that creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw to avoid the spell.

Sorcerer,, Evocation cantrip


  • casting time1 minute
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV, S, M
  • durationInstantaneous

two lodestones

This spell repairs a single break or tear in an object you touch, such as broken chain link, two halves of a broken key, a torn clack, or a leaking wineskin. As long as the break or tear is no larger than 1 foot in any dimension, you mend it, leaving no trace of the former damage.
This spell can physically repair a magic item or construct, but the spell can't restore magic to such an object.

Sorcerer,, Transmutation cantrip

Sapping Sting

  • casting time1 action
  • range30 feet

  • componentsV, S
  • durationInstantaneous

,You sap the vitality of one creature you can see in range. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 necrotic damage and fall prone.,

At Higher Levels:This spell's damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).,,

Sorcerer,, Necromancy cantrip

Shocking Grasp

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV, S
  • durationInstantaneous

Lightning springs from your hand to deliver a shock to a creature you try to touch. Make a melee spell attack against the target. You have advantage on the attack roll if the target is wearing armor made of metal. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 lightning damage, and it can't take reactions until the start of its next turn.
The spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).

Sorcerer Evocation cantrip

Absorb Elements

  • casting time1 reaction, which you take when you take acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsS
  • duration1 round

The spell captures some of the incoming energy, lessening its effect on you and storing it for your next melee attack. You have resistance to the triggering damage type until the start of your next turn. Also, the first time you hit with a melee attack on your next turn, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage of the triggering type, and the spell ends.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the extra damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.

Sorcerer (XGE), 1st level Abjuration


  • casting time1 reaction
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsV, S
  • duration1 round

An invisible barrier of magical force appears and protects you. Until the start of your next turn, you have a +5 bonus to AC, including against the triggering attack, and you take no damage from magic missile.

Sorcerer, 1st level Abjuration

Misty Step

  • casting time1 bonus action
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsV
  • durationInstantaneous

Briefly surrounded by silvery mist, you teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see.

Sorcerer, 2nd level Conjuration

Vortex Warp

  • casting time1 action
  • range90 feet

  • componentsV,S
  • durationInstantaneous

,You magically twist space around another creature you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (the target can choose to fail), or the target is teleported to an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see within range. The chosen space must be on a surface or in a liquid that can support the target without the target having to squeeze.,

At Higher Levels:When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the range of the spell increases by 30 feet for each slot level above 2nd.,,

Sorcerer, 2nd level Conjuration


  • casting time1 action
  • range30 feet

  • componentsV,S, M
  • duration8 hours

a tiny strip of white cloth

Your spell bolsters your allies with toughness and resolve. Choose up to three creatures within range. Each target's hit point maximum and current hit points increase by 5 for the duration.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, a target's hit points increase by an additional 5 for each slot level above 2nd.

Sorcerer (Clockwork Soul),, 2nd level Abjuration

Light,0 Light,0
Mending,0 Mending,0
Sapping Sting,0 Sapping Sting,0
Shocking Grasp,0 Shocking Grasp,0
,1 ,1
,1 ,1
,2 ,2
Vortex Warp,2 Vortex Warp,2
,2 ,2

Kinetic Jaunt

  • casting time1 bonus action
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsS,
  • durationConcentration, up to 1 minute

,You magically empower your movement with dancelike steps, giving yourself the following benefits for the duration: Your walking speed increases by 10 feet. You don't provoke opportunity attacks. You can move through the space of another creature, and it doesn't count as difficult terrain. If you end your turn in another creature's space, you are shunted to the last unoccupied space you occupied, and you take 1d8 force damage.

Sorcerer (Clockwork Soul),, 2nd-level Transmutation

Kinetic Jaunt,2 Kinetic Jaunt,2