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  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV, S
  • durationConcentration, up to 1 minute

You touch one willing creature. Once before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to one ability check of its choice. It can roll the die before or after making the ability check. The spell then ends.

Druid Divination cantrip

Produce Flame

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsV, S
  • duration10 minutes

A flickering flame appears in your hand. The flame remains there for the duration and harms neither you nor your equipment. The flame sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. The spell ends if you dismiss it as an action or if you cast it again.
You can also attack with the flame, although doing so ends the spell. When you cast this spell, or as an action on a later turn, you can hurl the flame at a creature within 30 feet of you. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 fire damage.
This spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).

Druid Conjuration cantrip

Shape Water

  • casting time1 action
  • range30 feet

  • componentsS
  • durationInstantaneous or 1 hour (see below)

You choose an area of water that you can see within range and that fits within a 5-foot cube. You manipulate it in one of the following ways:
• You instantaneously move or otherwise change the flow of the water as you direct, up to 5 feet in any direction. This movement doesn't have enough force to cause damage.
• You cause the water to form into simple shapes and animate at your direction. This change lasts for 1 hour.
• You change the water's color or opacity. The water must be changed in the same way throughout. This change lasts for 1 hour.
• You freeze the water, provided that there are no creatures in it. The water unfreezes in 1 hour.
If you cast this spell multiple times,you can have no more than two of its non-instantaneous effects active at a time, and you can dismiss such an effect as an action.

Druid (XGE) Transmutation cantrip

Absorb Elements

  • casting time1 reaction, which you take when you take acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsS
  • duration1 round

The spell captures some of the incoming energy, lessening its effect on you and storing it for your next melee attack. You have resistance to the triggering damage type until the start of your next turn. Also, the first time you hit with a melee attack on your next turn, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage of the triggering type, and the spell ends.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the extra damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.

Druid (XGE) 1st level Abjuration

Charm Person

  • casting time1 action
  • range30 feet

  • componentsV, S
  • duration1 hour

You attempt to charm a humanoid you can see within range. It must make a Wisdom saving throw, and does so with advantage if you or your companions are fighting it. If it fails the saving throw, it is charmed by you until the spell ends or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it. The charmed creature regards you as a friendly acquaintance. When the spell ends, the creature knows it was charmed by you.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st. The creatures must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them.

Druid 1st level Enchantment

Create or Destroy Water

  • casting time1 action
  • range30 feet

  • componentsV, S, M
  • durationInstantaneous

a drop of water if creating water or a few grains of sand if destroying it

You either create or destroy water.
Create Water: You create up to 10 gallons of clean water within range in an open container. Alternatively, the water falls as rain in a 30-foot cube within range, extinguishing exposed flames in the area.
Destroy Water: You destroy up to 10 gallons of water in an open container within range. Alternatively, you destroy fog in a 30-foot cube within range.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you create or destroy 10 additional gallons of water, or the size of the cube increases by 5 feet, for each slot level above 1st.

Druid 1st level Transmutation

Cure Wounds

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV, S
  • durationInstantaneous

A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.

Druid 1st level Evocation

Detect Magic (ritual)

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsV, S
  • durationConcentration, up to 10 minutes

For the duration, you sense the presence of magic within 30 feet of you. If you sense magic in this way, you can use your action to see a faint aura around any visible creature or object in the area that bears magic, and you learn its school of magic, if any.
The spell can penetrate most barriers, but is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.

Druid 1st level Divination


  • casting time1 action
  • range90 feet

  • componentsV, S
  • durationConcentration, up to 1 minute

Grasping weeds and vines sprout from the ground in a 20-foot square starting from a point within range. For the duration, these plants turn the ground in the area into difficult terrain.
A creature in the area when you cast the spell must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be restrained by the entangling plants until the spell ends. A creature restrained by the plants can use its action to make a Strength check against your spell save DC. On a success, it frees itself.
When the spell ends, the conjured plants wilt away.

Druid 1st level Conjuration

0 0
0 0
0 0
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Faerie Fire

  • casting time1 action
  • range60 feet

  • componentsV
  • durationConcentration, up to 1 minute

Each object in a 20-foot cube within range is outlined in blue, green, or violet light (your choice). Any creature in the area when the spell is cast is also outlined in light if it fails a Dexterity saving throw. For the duration, objects and affected creatures shed dim light in a 10-foot radius.
Any attack roll against an affected creature or object has advantage if the attacker can see it, and the affected creature or object can't benefit from being invisible.

Druid 1st level Evocation


  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV, S, M
  • durationInstantaneous

a sprig of mistletoe

Up to ten berries appear in your hand and are infused with magic for the duration. A creature can use its action to eat one berry. Eating a berry restores 1 hit point, and the berry provides enough nourishment to sustain a creature for one day.
The berries lose their potency if they have not been consumed within 24 hours of the casting of this spell.

Druid 1st level Transmutation

Healing Word

  • casting time1 bonus action
  • range60 feet

  • componentsV
  • durationInstantaneous

A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.

Druid 1st level Evocation


  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV, S, M
  • duration1 minute

a grasshopper's hind leg

You touch a creature. The creature's jump distance is tripled until the spell ends.

Druid 1st level Transmutation


  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV, S, M
  • duration1 hour

a pinch of dirt

You touch a creature. The target's speed increases by 10 feet until the spell ends.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st.

Druid 1st level Transmutation

Speak with Animals (ritual)

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsV, S
  • duration10 minutes

You gain the ability to comprehend and verbally communicate with beasts for the duration. The knowledge and awareness of many beasts is limited by their intelligence, but at minimum, beasts can give you information about nearby locations and monsters, including whatever they can perceive or have perceived within the past day. You might be able to persuade a beast to perform a small favor for you, at the DM's discretion.

Druid 1st level Divination

Protection from Evil and Good

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV, S, M
  • durationConcentration, up to 10 minutes

holy water or powdered silver and iron, which the spell consumes

Until the spell ends, one willing creature you touch is protected against certain types of creatures - aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead.
The protection grants several benefits. Creatures of those types have disadvantage on attack rolls against the target. The target also can't be charmed, frightened, or possessed by them. If the target is already charmed, frightened, or possessed by such a creature, the target has advantage on any new saving throw against the relevant effect.

Druid (TCE) 1st level Abjuration

Cure Wounds

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV, S
  • durationInstantaneous

A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.

Druid (Wildfire) 1st level Evocation

Augury (ritual)

  • casting time1 minute
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsV, S, M
  • durationInstantaneous

specially marked sticks, bones, or similar tokens worth at least 25 gp

By casting gem-inlaid sticks, rolling dragon bones, laying out ornate cards, or employing some other divining tool, you receive an omen from an otherworldly entity about the results of a specific course of action that you plan to take within the next 30 minutes. The DM chooses from the following possible omens.
Weal, for good results
Woe, for bad results
Weal and woe, for both good and bad results
Nothing, for results that aren't especially good or bad
The spell doesn't take into account any possible circumstances that might change the outcome, such as the casting of additional spells or the loss or gain of a companion.
If you cast the spell two or more times before completing your next long rest, there is a cumulative 25 percent chance for each casting after the first that you get a random reading. The DM makes this roll in secret.

Druid (TCE) 2nd level Divination

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
2 2

Beast Sense (ritual)

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsS
  • durationConcentration, up to 1 hour

You touch a willing beast. For the duration of the spell, you can use your action to see through the beast's eyes and hear what it hears, and continue to do so until you use your action to return to your normal senses.

Druid 2nd level Divination


  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV, S, M
  • duration8 hours

either a pinch of dried carrot or an agate

You touch a willing creature to grant it the ability to see in the dark. For the duration, that creature has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.

Druid 2nd level Transmutation

Enhance Ability

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV, S, M
  • durationConcentration, up to 1 hour

fur or a feather from a beast

You touch a creature and bestow upon it a magical enhancement. Choose one of the following effects - the target gains the effect until the spell ends.
Bear's Endurance: The target has advantage on Constitution checks. It also gains 2d6 temporary hit points, which are lost when the spell ends.
Bull's Strength: The target has advantage on Strength checks, and his or her carrying capacity doubles.
Cat's Grace: The target has advantage on Dexterity checks. It also doesn't take damage from falling 20 feet or less if it isn't incapacitated.
Eagle's Splendor: The target has advantage on Charisma checks.
Fox's Cunning: The target has advantage on Intelligence checks.
Owl's Wisdom: The target has advantage on Wisdom checks.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 2nd.

Druid 2nd level Transmutation

Heat Metal

  • casting time1 action
  • range60 feet

  • componentsV, S, M
  • durationConcentration, up to 1 minute

a piece of iron and a flame

Choose a manufactured metal object, such as a metal weapon or a suit of heavy or medium metal armor, that you can see within range. You cause the object to glow red-hot. Any creature in physical contact with the object takes 2d8 fire damage when you cast the spell. Until the spell ends, you can use a bonus action on each of your subsequent turns to cause this damage again.
If a creature is holding or wearing the object and takes the damage from it, the creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or drop the object if it can. If it doesn't drop the object, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the start of your next turn.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot above 2nd.

Druid 2nd level Transmutation

Lesser Restoration

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV, S
  • durationInstantaneous

You touch a creature and can end either one disease or one condition afflicting it. The condition can be blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned.

Druid 2nd level Abjuration

Pass Without Trace

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsV, S, M
  • durationConcentration, up to 1 hour

ashes from a burned leaf of mistletoe and a sprig of spruce

A veil of shadows and silence radiates from you, masking you and your companions from detection. For the duration, each creature you choose within 30 feet of you (including you) has a +10 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks and can't be tracked except by magical means. A creature that receives this bonus leaves behind no tracks or other traces of its passage.

Druid (*)(Grassland) 2nd level Abjuration

Protection from Poison

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV, S
  • duration1 hour

You touch a creature. If it is poisoned, you neutralize the poison. If more than one poison afflicts the target, you neutralize on poison that you know is present, or you neutralize one at random.
For the duration, the target has advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, and it has resistance to poison damage.

Druid 2nd level Abjuration

Skywrite (ritual)

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeSight

  • componentsV, S
  • durationConcentration, up to 1 hour

You cause up to ten words to form in a part of the sky you can see. The words appear to be made of cloud and remain in place for the spell's duration. The words dissipate when the spell ends. A strong wind can disperse the clouds and end the spell early.

Druid (XGE) 2nd level Transmutation

Continual Flame

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV, S, M
  • durationUntil dispelled

ruby dust worth 50 gp, which the spell consumes

A flame, equivalent in brightness to a torch, springs forth from an object that you touch. The effect looks like a regular flame, but it creates no heat and doesn't use oxygen. A continual flame can be covered or hidden but not smothered or quenched.

Druid (TCE) 2nd level Evocation

2 2
2 2
2 2
2 2
2 2
2 2
2 2
2 2
2 2

Aura of Vitality

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeSelf (30-foot radius)

  • componentsV
  • durationConcentration, up to 1 minute

Healing energy radiates from you in an aura with a 30-foot radius. Until the spell ends, the aura moves with you, centered on you. You can use a bonus action to cause one creature in the aura (including you) to regain 2d6 hit points.

Druid (TCE) 3rd level Evocation

Conjure Animals

  • casting time1 action
  • range60 feet

  • componentsV, S
  • durationConcentration, up to 1 hour

You summon fey spirits that take the form of beasts and appear in unoccupied spaces that you can see within range. Choose one of the following options for what appears.
• One beast of challenge rating 2 or lower
• Two beasts of challenge rating 1 or lower
• Four beasts of challenge rating 1/2 or lower
• Eight beasts of challenge rating 1/4 or lower
Each beast is also considered fey, and it disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends.
The summoned creatures are friendly to you and your companions. Roll initiative for the summoned creatures as a group, which has its own turns. They obey any verbal commands that you issue to them (no action required by you). If you don't issue any commands to them, they defend themselves from hostile creatures, but otherwise take no actions. The DM has the creatures' statistics.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using certain higher-level spell slots, you choose one of the summoning options above, and more creatures appear - twice as many with a 5th-level slot, three times as many with a 7th-level slot, and four times as many with a 9th-level slot.

Druid 3rd level Conjuration


  • casting time1 action
  • range60 feet

  • componentsV, S
  • duration1 hour

A 60-foot-radius sphere of light spreads out from a point you choose within range. The sphere is bright light and sheds dim light for an additional 60 feet.
If you chose a point on an object you are holding or one that isn't being worn or carried, the light shines from the object with and moves with it. Completely covering the affected object with an opaque object, such as a bowl or a helm, blocks the light.
If any of this spell's area overlaps with an area of darkness created by a spell of or lower, the spell that created the darkness is dispelled.

Druid (*)(Grassland) 3rd level Evocation

Dispel Magic

  • casting time1 action
  • range120 feet

  • componentsV, S
  • durationInstantaneous

Choose any creature, object, or magical effect within range. Any spell of 3rd level or lower on the target ends. For each spell of 4th level or higher on the target, make an ability check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + the spell's level. On a successful check, the spell ends.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you automatically end the effects of a spell on the target if the spell's level is equal to or less than the level of the spell slot you used.

Druid 3rd level Abjuration


  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV, S, M
  • durationInstantaneous

diamonds worth 300 gp, which the spell consumes

You touch a creature that has died within the last minute. That creature returns to life with 1 hit point. This spell can't return to life a creature that has died of old age, nor can it restore any missing body parts.

Druid (Wildfire) 3rd level Necromancy

Charm Monster

  • casting time1 action
  • range30 feet

  • componentsV, S
  • duration1 hour

You attempt to charm a creature you can see within range. It must make a Wisdom saving throw, and it does so with advantage if you or your companions are fighting it. If it fails the saving throw, it is charmed by you until the spell ends or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it. The charmed creature is friendly to you. When the spell ends, the creature knows it was charmed by you.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 4th. The creatures must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them.

Druid (XGE) 4th level Enchantment

Divination (ritual)

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsV, S, M
  • durationInstantaneous

incense and a sacrificial offering appropriate to your religion, together worth at least 25 gp, which the spell consumes

Your magic and an offering put you in contact with a god or a god's servants. You ask a single question concerning a specific goal, event, or activity to occur within 7 days. The DM offers a truthful reply. The reply might be a short phrase, a cryptic rhyme, or an omen.
The spell doesn't take into account any possible circumstances that might change the outcome, such as the casting of additional spells or the loss or gain of a companion.
If you cast this spell two or more times before finishing your next long rest, there is a cumulative 25 percent chance for each casting after the first that you get a random reading. The DM makes this roll in secret.

Druid (Grassland)(Forest) 4th level Divination

Dominate Beast [1/2]

  • casting time1 action
  • range60 feet

  • componentsV, S
  • durationConcentration, up to 1 minute

You attempt to beguile a beast that you can see within range. It must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you for the duration. If you or creatures that are friendly to you are fighting it, it has advantage on the saving throw.
While the beast is charmed, you have a telepathic link with it as long as the two of you are on the same plane of existence. You can use this telepathic link to issue commands to the creature while you are conscious (no action required), which it does its best to obey. You can specify a simple and general course of action, such as Attack that creature, Run over there, or Fetch that object. If the creature completes the order and doesn't receive further direction from you, it defends and preserves itself to the best of its ability.
You can use your action to take total and precise control of the target. Until the end of your next turn, the creature takes only the actions you choose, and doesn't do anything that you don't allow it to do. During this time, you can also cause the creature to use a reaction, but this requires you to use your own reaction as well.
Each time the target takes damage, it makes a new Wisdom saving throw against the spell. If the saving throw

Druid 4th level Enchantment

Dominate Beast [2/2]

  • casting time1 action
  • range60 feet

  • componentsV, S
  • durationConcentration, up to 1 minute

succeeds, the spell ends.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell with a 5th-level spell slot, the duration is concentration, up to 10 minutes. When you use a 6th-level spell slot, the duration is concentration, up to 1 hour. When you use a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the duration is concentration, up to 8 hours.

Druid 4th level Enchantment

3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3
3 3
4 4
4 4
4 4
4 4

Giant Insect

  • casting time1 action
  • range30 feet

  • componentsV, S
  • durationConcentration, up to 10 minutes

You transform up to ten centipedes, three spiders, five wasps, or one scorpion within range into giant versions of their natural forms for the duration. A centipede becomes a giant centipede, a spider becomes a giant spider, a wasp becomes a giant wasp, and a scorpion becomes a giant scorpion.
Each creature obeys your verbal commands, and in combat, they act on your turn each round. The DM has the statistics for these creatures and resolves their actions and movement.
A creature remains in its giant size for the duration, until it drops to 0 hit points, or until you use an action to dismiss the effect on it.
The DM might allow you to choose different targets. For example, if you transform a bee, its giant version might have the same statistics as a giant wasp.

Druid 4th level Transmutation

Guardian of Nature

  • casting time1 bonus action
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsV
  • durationConcentration, up to 1 minute

A nature spirit answers your call and transforms you into a powerful guardian. The transformation lasts until the spell ends. You choose one of the following forms to assume: Primal Beast or Great Tree.
Primal Beast: Bestial fur covers your body, your facial features become feral, and you gain the following benefits:
• Your walking speed increases by 10 feet.
• You gain darkvision with a range of 120 feet.
• You make Strength-based attack rolls with advantage.
• Your melee weapon attacks deal an extra 1d6 force damage on a hit.
Great Tree: Your skin appears barky, leaves sprout from your hair, and you gain the following benefits:
• You gain 10 temporary hit points.
• You make Constitution saving throws with advantage.
• You make Dexterity- and Wisdom-based attack rolls with advantage.
• While you are on the ground, the ground within 15 feet of you is difficult terrain for your enemies.

Druid (XGE) 4th level Transmutation

Polymorph [1/2]

  • casting time1 action
  • range60 feet

  • componentsV, S, M
  • durationConcentration, up to 1 hour

a caterpillar cocoon

This spell transforms a creature with at least 1 hit point that you can see within range into a new form. An unwilling creature must make a Wisdom saving throw to avoid the effect. A shapechanger automatically succeeds on this saving throw.
The transformation lasts for the duration, or until the target drops to 0 hit points or dies. The new form can be any beast whose challenge rating is equal to or less than the target's (or the target's level, if it doesn't have a challenge rating). The target's game statistics, including mental ability scores, are replaced by the statistics of the chosen beast. It retains its alignment and personality.
The target assumes the hit points of its new form. When it reverts to its normal form, the creature returns to the number of hit points it had before it transformed. If it reverts as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to its normal form. As long as the excess damage doesn't reduce the creature's normal form to 0 hit points, it isn't knocked unconscious.

Druid 4th level Transmutation

Polymorph [2/2]

  • casting time1 action
  • range60 feet

  • componentsV, S, M
  • durationConcentration, up to 1 hour

a caterpillar cocoon

The creature is limited in the actions it can perform by the nature of its new form, and it can't speak, cast spells, or take any other action that requires hands or speech.
The target's gear melds into the new form. The creature can't activate, use, wield, or otherwise benefit from any of its equipment.

Druid 4th level Transmutation

Stone Shape

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV, S, M
  • durationInstantaneous

soft clay, which must be worked into roughly the desired shape of the stone object

You touch a stone object of Medium size or smaller or a section of stone no more than 5 feet in any dimension and form it into any shape that suits your purpose. So, for example, you could shape a large rock into a weapon, idol, or coffer, or make a small passage through a wall, as long as the wall is less than 5 feet thick. You could also shape a stone door or its frame to seal the door shut. The object you create can have up to two hinges and a latch, but finer mechanical detail isn't possible.

Druid (*)(Underdark)(Mountain) 4th level Transmutation

Wall of Fire

  • casting time1 action
  • range120 feet

  • componentsV, S, M
  • durationConcentration, up to 1 minute

a small piece of phosphorus

You create a wall of fire on a solid surface within range. You can make the wall up to 60 feet long, 20 feet high, and 1 foot think, or a ringed wall up to 20 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1 foot think. The wall is opaque and lasts for the duration.
When the wall appears, each creature within its area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 5d8 fire damage, or half as much damage on a successful save.
One side of the wall, selected by you when you cast this spell, deals 5d8 fire damage to each creature that ends its turn within 10 feet of that side or inside the wall. A creature takes the same damage when it enters the wall for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there. The other side of the wall deals no damage.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 4th.

Druid 4th level Evocation

4 4
4 4
4 4
4 4
4 4
4 4