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Steady Aim

  • casting time
  • range

  • components
  • duration

As a bonus action, you give yourself advantage on your next attack roll on the current turn. You can use this bonus action only if you haven't moved during this turn, and after you use the bonus action, your speed is 0 until the end of the current turn.

Cunning Action

  • casting time
  • range

  • components
  • duration

Your quick thinking and agility allow you to move and act quickly. You can take a bonus action on each of your turns in combat. This action can be used only to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.

Wild Companion

  • casting time
  • range

  • components
  • duration

You gain the ability to summon a spirit that assumes an animal form: as an action, you can expend a use of your Wild Shape feature to cast the find familiar spell, without material components.

Symbiotic Entity

  • casting time 1 action
  • range Self

  • components
  • duration

As an action, you can expend a use of your Wild Shape feature to awaken those spores, rather than transforming into a beast form, and you gain 4 temporary hit points for each level you have in this class. While this feature is active, you gain the following benefits:

When you deal your Halo of Spores damage, roll the damage die a second time and add it to the total.
Your melee weapon attacks deal an extra 1d6 necrotic damage to any target they hit.
These benefits last for 10 minutes, until you lose all these temporary hit points, or until you use your Wild Shape again.

Halo of Spores

  • casting time
  • range

  • components
  • duration

You are surrounded by invisible, necrotic spores that are harmless until you unleash them on a creature nearby. When a creature you can see moves into a space within 10 feet of you or starts its turn there, you can use your reaction to deal 1d4 necrotic damage to that creature unless it succeeds on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC.

Barbed Back

  • casting time
  • range

  • components
  • duration

You gain advantage on any checks made to grapple another creature and can suspend yourself from walls without using your hands. You lose these benefits if you are wearing heavy armour.

Cutting Words

  • casting time 1 reaction
  • range 60ft

  • components
  • duration

When a creature that you can see within 60 feet of you makes an attack roll, an ability check, or a damage roll, you can use your reaction to expend one of your uses of Bardic Inspiration, rolling a Bardic Inspiration die and subtracting the number rolled from the creature's roll. You can choose to use this feature after the creature makes its roll, but before the DM determines whether the attack roll or ability check succeeds or fails, or before the creature deals its damage. The creature is immune if it can't hear you or if it's immune to being charmed.

Song of Rest

  • casting time
  • range

  • components
  • duration

Beginning at 2nd level, you can use soothing music or oration to help revitalize your wounded allies during a short rest. If you or any friendly creatures who can hear your performance regain hit points by spending Hit Dice at the end of the short rest, each of those creatures regains an extra 1d6 hit points.

Bardic Inspiration

  • casting time 1 bonus action
  • range 60ft

  • components
  • duration

You can inspire others through stirring words or music. To do so, you use a bonus action on your turn to choose one creature other than yourself within 60 feet of you who can hear you. That creature gains one Bardic Inspiration die, a d6.

Once within the next 10 minutes, the creature can roll the die and add the number rolled to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes. The creature can wait until after it rolls the d20 before deciding to use the Bardic Inspiration die, but must decide before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. Once the Bardic Inspiration die is rolled, it is lost. A creature can have only one Bardic Inspiration die at a time.

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Dirty Tactics: Kneecapper

  • casting time
  • range

  • components
  • duration

On a hit you can target a creature’s knees. They must make a constitution saving throw. On a failure the target is knocked prone and has their movement speed set to 0 until the end of their next turn.

Dirty Tactic: Mass Invisibility

  • casting time 1 bonus action
  • range 10ft

  • components
  • duration

As a bonus action you throw sand or dust or spit in a creature's eyes within 10ft and force them to make a constitution saving throw, on a failure they are blinded for one minute until they spend an action to rub their eyes.

Dirty Tactic: Uncomfortable Threats

  • casting time 1 bonus action
  • range 60ft

  • components
  • duration

As a bonus action you can start shouting weird and uncomfortable threats at a creature within 60ft of you. They must make a wisdom save, on a failed save the creature is frightened of you until the end of its next turn.

Precise Senses / Precise Sensibility

  • casting time
  • range

  • components
  • duration

Due to your heightened senses you gain blindsight for 5ft around you.

You gain advantage on all insight and perception checks for creatures within 5ft of you. In addition you can make an insight check on a creature within 5ft of you to gain a read on its current emotional state.

Rabbit Hop

  • casting time 1 bonus action
  • range

  • components
  • duration

As a bonus action, you can jump a number of feet equal to five times your proficiency bonus, without provoking opportunity attacks. You can use this trait only if your speed is greater than 0. You can use it a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Lucky Footwork

  • casting time
  • range

  • components
  • duration

When you fail a Dexterity saving throw, you can use your reaction to roll a d4 and add it to the save, potentially turning the failure into a success. You can't use this reaction if you're prone or your speed is 0.

Channel Divinity: Twilight Sanctuary

  • casting time 1 Action
  • range 30ft

  • components
  • duration

As an action, you present your holy symbol, and a sphere of twilight emanates from you. The sphere is centered on you, has a 30-foot radius, and is filled with dim light. The sphere moves with you, and it lasts for 1 minute or until you are incapacitated or die. Whenever a creature (including you) ends its turn in the sphere, you can grant that creature one of these benefits:

- You grant it temporary hit points equal to 1d6 plus your cleric level.

- You end one effect on it causing it to be charmed or frightened.

Channel Divinity: Harness Divine Power

  • casting time 1 bonus action
  • range Self

  • components
  • duration

You can expend a use of your Channel Divinity to fuel your spells. As a bonus action, you touch your holy symbol, utter a prayer, and regain one expended spell slot, the level of which can be no higher than half your proficiency bonus (rounded up). The number of times you can use this feature is based on the level you've reached in this class: 2nd level, once, 6th level, twice, and 18th level, thrice. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Channel Divinity: Turn Undead

  • casting time 1 Action
  • range 30ft

  • components
  • duration

As an action, you present your holy symbol and speak a prayer censuring the undead. Each undead that can see or hear you within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage.

A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can't willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can't take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there's nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.

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Vigilant Blessing

  • casting time 1 action
  • range Touch

  • components
  • duration

The night has taught you to be vigilant. As an action, you give one creature you touch (including possibly yourself) advantage on the next initiative roll the creature makes. This benefit ends immediately after the roll or if you use this feature again.

Eyes of Night

  • casting time 1 action
  • range 10ft

  • components
  • duration

You can see through the deepest gloom. You
have darkvision out to a range of 300 feet.
In that radius, you can see in dim light as if it
were bright light and in darkness as if it
were dim light.

As an action, you can magically share the
darkvision of this feature with willing
creatures you can see within 10 feet of you,
up to a number of creatures equal to your
Wisdom modifier (minimum of one creature).
The shared darkvision lasts for 1 hour. Once
you share it, you can't do so again until you
finish a long rest, unless you expend a spell
slot of any level to share it again.

Telepathic Speech

  • casting time
  • range

  • components
  • duration

You can form a telepathic connection between your mind and the mind of another. As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. You and the chosen creature can speak telepathically with each other while the two of you are within a number of miles of each other equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 mile). To understand each other, you each must speak mentally in a language the other knows.

The telepathic connection lasts for a number of minutes equal to your sorcerer level. It ends early if you are incapacitated or die or if you use this ability to form a connection with a different creature.

Twinned Spell

  • casting time
  • range

  • components
  • duration

When you cast a spell that targets only one creature and doesn't have a range of self, you can spend a number of sorcery points equal to the spell's level to target a second creature in range with the same spell (1 sorcery point if the spell is a cantrip).

Empowered Spell

  • casting time
  • range

  • components
  • duration

When you roll damage for a spell, you can spend 1 sorcery point to reroll a number of the damage dice up to your Charisma modifier (minimum of one). You must use the new rolls.

You can use Empowered Spell even if you have already used a different Metamagic option during the casting of the spell.

Sorcerer Metamagic

Spider Climb

  • casting time Constant
  • range Self

  • components
  • duration

You have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. In addition, at 3rd level, you can move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while leaving your hands free.

Vampire Bite

  • casting time 1 Action
  • range 5ft

  • components
  • duration

Your fanged bite is a natural weapon, which counts as a simple melee weapon with which you are proficient. You add your Constitution modifier, instead of your Strength modifier, to the attack and damage rolls when you attack with this bite. It deals 1d4 piercing damage on a hit. While you are missing half or more of your hit points, you have advantage on attack rolls you make with this bite.
When you attack with this bite and hit a creature that isn't a Construct or an Undead, you can empower yourself in one of the following ways of your choice:

- You regain hit points equal to the piercing damage dealt by the bite.

- You gain a bonus to the next ability check or attack roll you make, the bonus equals the piercing damage dealt by the bite

Dhampir Trait

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