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S 1 minute A spectral

  • casting time open an unlocked door or container
  • range stow or retrieve an item from an open container

  • components or pour the contents out of a vial. You can move the hand up to 30 feet each time you use it.
    The hand can't attack
  • duration activate magical items

or carry more than 10 pounds. Wizard

Other floating hand appears at a point you choose within range. The hand lasts for the duration or until you dismiss it as an action. The hand vanishes if it is ever more than 30 feet away from you or if you cast this spell again.
You can use your action to control the hand. You can use the hand to manipulate an object

S Up to 1 hour This spell is a minor magical trick that novice spellcasters use for practice. You create one of the following magical effects within range.
• You create an instantaneous

  • casting time such as a shower of sparks
  • range a puff of wind

  • components faint musical notes
  • duration or an odd odor.
    • You instantaneously light or snuff out a candle

a torch

Other harmless sensory effect

S Concentration

  • casting time the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to one ability check of its choice. It can roll the die before or after making the ability check. The spell then ends. Cleric
  • range

Other up to 1 minute You touch one willing creature. Once before the spell ends

S Concentration

  • casting time and then as a bonus action on each of your turns until the spell ends
  • range you can take the Dash action. Wizard

Other up to 10 minutes This spell allows you to move at an incredible pace. When you cast this spell

S 1 round An invisible barrier of magical force appears and protects you. Until the start of your next turn

  • casting time including against the triggering attack
  • range and you take no damage from magic missile. Wizard

Other you have a +5 bonus to AC


  • casting time mindless
  • range shapeless force that performs simple tasks at your command until the spell ends. The servant springs into existence in an unoccupied space on the ground within range. It has AC 10

  • components 1 hit point
  • duration and a Strength of 2

and it can't attack. If it drops to 0 hit points

Other M 1 hour (a piece of string and a bit of wood)This spell creates an invisible

S Instantaneous All nonmagical food and drink within a 5-foot-radius sphere centered on a point of your choice within range is purified and rendered free of poison and disease. Cleric


0 Mage Hand Conjuration cantrip 1 action 30 feet V 0 Mage Hand Conjuration cantrip 1 action 30 feet V
0 Prestidigitation Transmutation cantrip 1 action 10 feet V 0 Prestidigitation Transmutation cantrip 1 action 10 feet V
0 Guidance Divination cantrip 1 action Touch V 0 Guidance Divination cantrip 1 action Touch V
1 Expeditious Retreat 1st level Transmutation 1 bonus action Self V 1 Expeditious Retreat 1st level Transmutation 1 bonus action Self V
1 Shield 1st level Abjuration 1 reaction Self V 1 Shield 1st level Abjuration 1 reaction Self V
1 Unseen Servant (ritual) 1st level Conjuration 1 action 60 feet V 1 Unseen Servant (ritual) 1st level Conjuration 1 action 60 feet V
1 Purify Food and Drink (ritual) 1st level Transmutation 1 action 10 feet V 1 Purify Food and Drink (ritual) 1st level Transmutation 1 action 10 feet V