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Corrosive Cantrip

  • casting time N/A
  • range N/A

  • components N/A
  • duration 1 round

Once on each of your turns, when you deal acid damage to a creature with a warmage cantrip, you can cause the acid to erode the target's defences. The next time a creature makes an attack roll against the target before the before the beginning of your next turn, roll a d4 and subtract it from the target's Armour Class for this attack.

Warmage Warmage Trick

Commander's Steed

  • casting time 10 minutes
  • range 30 feet

  • components N/A
  • duration Instantaneous

Prerequisites: House of Kings

You learn the Find Steed spell and can cast it without using a spell slot. Your steed is more resilient than most, and has a number of additional hit points equal to your warmage level.

Warmage Warmage Trick

Cloak of Feathers

  • casting time N/A
  • range Self

  • components N/A
  • duration Passive

Prerequisites: House of Rooks

While not wearing armour, under the effects of Mage Armour, or using a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Intelligence modifier.

Warmage Warmage Trick

Chivalrous Presence

  • casting time N/A
  • range Self

  • components N/A
  • duration Passive

Prerequisites: House of Knights

You can add half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) to any Charisma check you make that doesn't already use your proficiency bonus. Additionally, you can tell when a creature you are speaking with tells a lie, as long as you haven't told a lie to that creature.

Warmage Warmage Trick

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