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Mystical Weaponmaster

  • casting time 1 action
  • range N/A

  • components N/A
  • duration Instantaneous

Prerequisite: Force Weapon or Magic Daggers cantrip

Once on each of your turns when you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll for the Force Weapon or Magic Daggers cantrips, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.

Warmage Warmage Trick

Mystical Athlete

  • casting time 1 action
  • range 30 feet

  • components N/A
  • duration Concentration, up to 1 minute

Prerequisite: Quickstep or Springheel cantrip

When you cast the Quickstep cantrip, your speed increases by 20 feet instead of 10 feet. When you cast the Springheel cantrip, your jumping distance increases by 20 feet instead of 10 feet. If you know both of these cantrips, you can cast both of them as part of the same bonus action.

Warmage Warmage Trick

Mystical Armour

  • casting time 1 action
  • range Self

  • components N/A
  • duration 8 hours

You can cast the spell Mage Armour on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot.

Warmage Warmage Trick

Minor Shadow Illusion

  • casting time 1 action
  • range 30 feet

  • components N/A
  • duration Concentration, up to 1 minute

Prerequisite: Minor Illusion cantrip

When you create the image of an object in an unoccupied space using the Minor Illusion cantrip, you can fill it with fibers of shadowstuff, causing it to become partially real. No matter what form the semi-real object takes, it still must be no larger than a 5-foot cube. It has AC 10 and 5 HP, and it weighs 5 pounds. You can only have one semi-real illusion at a time. While this semi-real object exists, the cantrip requires your concentration.

The illusion can't replicate a creature, but it can deal damage to a creature within its 5-foot cube. If the illusion is of an object that can deal damage, a creature that enters the object's 5-foot cube or begins its turn there must make an Intelligence saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature takes 1d6 damage of a type appropriate to the illusion.

At Higher Levels: This damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6). This damage can't trigger Warmage Edge or any warmage tricks.

Warmage Warmage Trick

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