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S;1 minute;A spectral

  • casting time open an unlocked door or container
  • range stow or retrieve an item from an open container

  • components or pour the contents out of a vial. You can move the hand up to 30 feet each time you use it.
    The hand can't attack
  • duration activate magical items

or carry more than 10 pounds. ;Wizard

Wizard floating hand appears at a point you choose within range. The hand lasts for the duration or until you dismiss it as an action. The hand vanishes if it is ever more than 30 feet away from you or if you cast this spell again.
You can use your action to control the hand. You can use the hand to manipulate an object

11th level (3d6)

Wizard and 17th level (4d6).;Wizard (TCE)

M;1 minute;(A bit of fleece)You create a sound or an image of an object within range that lasts for the duration. The illusion also ends if you dismiss it as an action or cast this spell again.
If you create a sound

  • casting time someone else's voice
  • range a lion's roar

  • components a beating of drums
  • duration or any other sound you choose. The sound continues unabated throughout the duration

or you can make discrete sounds at different times before the spell ends.
If you create an image of an object - such as a chair

muddy footprints its volume can range from a whisper to a scream. It can be your voice

S;Instantaneous;You point at one creature you can see within range

  • casting time it instead takes 1d12 necrotic damage.
    The spell's damage increases by one die when you reach 5th level (2d8 or 2d12)
  • range 11th level (3d8 or 3d12)

  • components and 17th level (4d8 or 4d12).;Wizard (XGE)
  • duration

muddy footprints and the sound of a dolorous bell fills the air around it for a moment. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take ld8 necrotic damage. If the target is missing any of its hit points

which you take when you take acid

  • casting time fire
  • range lightning

  • components or thunder damage;Self;S;1 round;The spell captures some of the incoming energy
  • duration lessening its effect on you and storing it for your next melee attack. You have resistance to the triggering damage type until the start of your next turn. Also

the first time you hit with a melee attack on your next turn

muddy footprints cold


  • casting time a window
  • range or an area within range that is no larger than a 20-foot cube. Until the spell ends

  • components an alarm alerts you whenever a tiny or larger creature touches or enters the warded area. When you cast the spell
  • duration you can designate creatures that won't set off the alarm. You also choose whether the alarm is mental or audible.
    A mental alarm alerts you with a ping in your mind if you are within 1 mile of the warded area. This ping awakens you if you are sleeping.
    An audible alarm produces the sound of a hand bell for 10 seconds within 60 feet. ;Wizard

muddy footprints M;8 hours;(a tiny bell and a piece of fine silver wire)You set an alarm against unwanted intrusion. Choose a door


  • casting time you sense the presence of magic within 30 feet of you. If you sense magic in this way
  • range you can use your action to see a faint aura around any visible creature or object in the area that bears magic

  • components and you learn its school of magic
  • duration if any.
    The spell can penetrate most barriers

but is blocked by 1 foot of stone

1 inch of common metal up to 10 minutes;For the duration


  • casting time incense
  • range and herbs that must be consumed by fire in a brass brazier)You gain the service of a familiar

  • components a spirit that takes an animal form you choose - bat
  • duration cat


frog (toad) M;Instantaneous;(10 gp worth of charcoal


  • casting time and a protective magical force surrounds it until the spell ends. The target's base AC becomes 13 + its Dexterity modifier. The spell ends it if the target dons armor or if you dismiss the spell as an action.;Wizard
  • range

frog (toad) M;8 hours;(a piece of cured leather)You touch a willing creature who isn't wearing armor

0;Mage Hand;Conjuration cantrip;1 action;30 feet;V 0;Mage Hand;Conjuration cantrip;1 action;30 feet;V
0;Mind Sliver;Enchantment cantrip;1 action;60 feet;V;1 round;You drive a disorienting spike of psychic energy into the mind of one creature you can see within range. The target must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or take 1d6 psychic damage and subtract 1d4 from the next saving throw it makes before the end of your next turn.
At Higher Levels: This spell's damage increases by 1d6 when you reach certain levels: 5th level (2d6)
0;Mind Sliver;Enchantment cantrip;1 action;60 feet;V;1 round;You drive a disorienting spike of psychic energy into the mind of one creature you can see within range. The target must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or take 1d6 psychic damage and subtract 1d4 from the next saving throw it makes before the end of your next turn.
At Higher Levels: This spell's damage increases by 1d6 when you reach certain levels: 5th level (2d6)
0;Minor Illusion;Illusion cantrip;1 action;30 feet;S 0;Minor Illusion;Illusion cantrip;1 action;30 feet;S
0;Toll the Dead;Necromancy cantrip;1 action;60 feet;V 0;Toll the Dead;Necromancy cantrip;1 action;60 feet;V
1;Absorb Elements;1st level Abjuration;1 reaction 1;Absorb Elements;1st level Abjuration;1 reaction
1;Alarm (ritual);1st level Abjuration;1 minute;30 feet;V 1;Alarm (ritual);1st level Abjuration;1 minute;30 feet;V
1;Detect Magic (ritual);1st level Divination;1 action;Self;V 1;Detect Magic (ritual);1st level Divination;1 action;Self;V
1;Find Familiar (ritual);1st level Conjuration;1 hour;10 feet;V 1;Find Familiar (ritual);1st level Conjuration;1 hour;10 feet;V
1;Mage Armor;1st level Abjuration;1 action;Touch;V 1;Mage Armor;1st level Abjuration;1 action;Touch;V

S;1 round;An invisible barrier of magical force appears and protects you. Until the start of your next turn

  • casting time including against the triggering attack
  • range and you take no damage from magic missile.;Wizard

frog (toad) you have a +5 bonus to AC


  • casting time rose petals
  • range or a cricket)This spell sends creatures into a magical slumber. Roll 5d8

  • components the total is how many hit points of creatures this spell can affect. Creatures within 20 feet of a point you choose within range are affected in ascending order of their current hit points (ignoring unconscious creatures).
    Starting with the creature that has the lowest current hit points
  • duration each creature affected by this spell falls unconscious until the spell ends

the sleeper takes damage

frog (toad) M;1 minute;(a pinch of find sand


  • casting time up to 1 minute;(tiny tarts and a feather that waved in the air)A creature of your choice that you can see within range perceives everything as hilariously funny and falls into fits of laugher if this spell affects it. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw of fall prone
  • range becoming incapacitated and unable to stand up for the duration. A creature with an Intelligence score of 4 or less isn't affected.
    At the end of each of its turns

  • components and each time it takes damage
  • duration the target can make another Wisdom saving throw. The target has advantage on the saving throw if it's triggered by damage. On a success

the spell ends. ;Wizard

frog (toad) M;Concentration


  • casting time up to 1 minute;(a miniature hand sculpted from clay)You choose a 5-foot-square unoccupied space on the ground that you can see within range. A Medium hand made from compacted soil rises there and reaches for one creature you can see within 5 feet of it. The target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save
  • range the target takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage and is restrained for the spell's duration.
    As an action

  • components you can cause the hand to crush the restrained target
  • duration which must make a Strength saving throw. The target takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save

or half as much damage on a successful one.
To break out

frog (toad) M;Concentration

you teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see.;Wizard

frog (toad)


  • casting time up to 1 hour;(a bit of spider web)You conjure a mass of thick
  • range sticky webbing at a point of your choice within range. The webs fill a 20-foot cube from that point for the duration. The webs are difficult terrain and lightly obscure their area.
    If the webs aren't anchored between two solid masses (such as walls or trees) or layered across a floor

  • components wall
  • duration or ceiling

the conjured web collapses on itself

frog (toad) M;Concentration

S;Instantaneous;You sap the vitality of one creature you can see in range. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 necrotic damage and fall prone. At Higher Levels. This spell's damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4)

  • casting time and 17th level (4d4).;
  • range

frog (toad) 11th level (3d4)

which you take when a creature you can see within 60 feet of yourself succeeds on an attack roll

  • casting time or a saving throw;60 feet;V;Instantaneous;You magically distract the triggering creature and turn its momentary uncertainty into encouragement for another creature. The triggering creature must reroll the d20 and use the lower roll. You can then choose a different creature you can see within range (you can choose yourself). The chosen creature has advantage on the next attack roll
  • range ability check

  • components or saving throw it makes within 1 minute. A creature can be empowered by only one use of this spell at a time.;
  • duration

frog (toad) an ability check

S;1 round;The gravity in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you can see within range increases for a moment. Each creature in the sphere on the turn when you cast the spell must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save

  • casting time and its speed is halved until the end of its next turn. On a successful save
  • range a creature takes half as much damage and suffers no reduction to its speed. Until the start of your next turn

  • components any object that isn't being worn or carried in the sphere requires a successful Strength check against your spell save DC to pick up or move. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher
  • duration the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.;

frog (toad) a creature takes 2d8 force damage

1;Shield;1st level Abjuration;1 reaction;Self;V 1;Shield;1st level Abjuration;1 reaction;Self;V
1;Sleep;1st level Enchantment ;1 action;90 feet;V 1;Sleep;1st level Enchantment ;1 action;90 feet;V
1;Tasha's Hideous Laughter;1st level Enchantment ;1 action;30 feet;V 1;Tasha's Hideous Laughter;1st level Enchantment ;1 action;30 feet;V
2;Maximilian's Earthen Grasp;2nd level Transmutation;1 action;30 feet;V 2;Maximilian's Earthen Grasp;2nd level Transmutation;1 action;30 feet;V
2;Misty Step;2nd level Conjuration;1 bonus action;Self;V;Instantaneous;Briefly surrounded by silvery mist 2;Misty Step;2nd level Conjuration;1 bonus action;Self;V;Instantaneous;Briefly surrounded by silvery mist
2;Web;2nd level Conjuration;1 action;60 feet;V 2;Web;2nd level Conjuration;1 action;60 feet;V
0;Sapping sting;Necromancy cantrip;1 action;30 feet;V 0;Sapping sting;Necromancy cantrip;1 action;30 feet;V
1;Silvery Barbs;1st level Enchantment ;1 reaction 1;Silvery Barbs;1st level Enchantment ;1 reaction
1;Magnify Gravity;1st level Transmutation;1 action;60 feet;V 1;Magnify Gravity;1st level Transmutation;1 action;60 feet;V


  • casting time which the spell consumes) You impart latent luck to yourself or one willing creature you can see within range. When the chosen creature makes an attack roll
  • range an ability check

  • components or a saving throw before the spell ends
  • duration it can dismiss this spell on itself to roll an additional d20 and choose which of the d20s to use. Alternatively

when an attack roll is made against the chosen creature

frog (toad) M;1 hour;(a white pearl worth at least 100 gp

2;Fortune's Favor;2nd level Divination;1 minute;60 feet;V 2;Fortune's Favor;2nd level Divination;1 minute;60 feet;V