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Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature


Soten, which translates to hidden move or sudden escape, is a foundational technique of the Blood Weaver, enabling them to manipulate their own blood to momentarily boost their agility or slip away from peril. This manipulation of life force grants them an ephemeral, yet crucial, advantage in maneuverability, allowing them to navigate the battlefield with uncanny speed and precision.
At the cost of one Hemocraft die, you can tap into the essence of your being to either Disengage or Dash as a bonus action on your turn. This ability manifests as a visual spectacle of your mastery over blood, with spectral blood tendrils lifting you off the ground or a swift gust of crimson energy propelling you forward, leaving a fleeting trail of blood mist in your wake.
You must choose between Disengage and Dash when using this feature

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

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Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
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1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

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1 1
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1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
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1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

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1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [1/3]

From the moment you embark on the path of the Blood Hunter and choose to specialize as a Blood Weaver at level 3, you gain the fundamental ability to wield Hemocraft magic. This ancient and arcane craft, rooted in the manipulation of blood, becomes the cornerstone of your power. Hemocraft magic allows you to harness your life force, channeling it into a myriad of potent abilities that define your journey and combat style. While these abilities draw upon your own vitality, they are not limited by your Blood Curses unless explicitly stated, offering a versatile arsenal that grows with you.
Hemocraft Die Progression:
Your Hemocraft die represents the pool of arcane energy you can draw from your own blood to fuel your Hemocraft abilities. As you grow in power and understanding, the potency of this die increases, reflecting your enhanced mastery over blood magic.
Levels 1-4: At the inception of your journey and upon embracing the Blood Weaver specialization at level 3, your Hemocraft die is a 1d4. Even in these early stages, the ability to tap into your hemocraft proves crucial, laying the foundation for the formidable powers you will develop.
Levels 5-10: As you advance in

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

Advanced Hemocraft [2/3]

experience and prowess, your Hemocraft die evolves into a 1d6. This increase signifies a deeper connection to the blood magic coursing through your veins, enabling more powerful and varied uses of your abilities.
Levels 11-16: Further mastery and refinement of your hemocraft elevate your Hemocraft die to a 1d8. At this stage, your control over blood magic allows for even greater feats, showcasing your ascent towards the apex of Hemocraft mastery.
Levels 17-20: In the zenith of your power, from level 17 onwards, your Hemocraft die reaches its pinnacle at 1d10. This level of mastery represents a near-complete symbiosis with the essence of blood magic, allowing for the execution of truly formidable and awe-inspiring abilities.
Special Considerations:
The use of Hemocraft die is integral to activating your Blood Weaver abilities. It is a direct measure of the energy you can harness from your own blood, balancing the risk and reward inherent in such potent magic.
While some abilities powered by your Hemocraft die may also involve Blood Curses, the vast majority draw solely on this internal reservoir of arcane power, allowing for frequent and versatile use across a broad

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1

Advanced Hemocraft [3/3]

spectrum of situations.

Blood Hunter (Blood Weaver) 3rd level Class feature

1 1