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Orc Large humanoid (orc), Loot Value 550, chaotic evil CR 12 8,400 xp

  • Armor class 16 (Hide Armor)
  • Hit points 221 (21d10+105)
  • Speed 30 ft.
  • STR24 (+7)
  • DEX12 (+1)
  • CON21 (+5)
  • INT10 (0)
  • WIS15 (+2)
  • CHA14 (+2)

Save Throws:STR +12, CON +10,

Skills:Athletics +12, Stealth +6, Animal Handling +7, Percep. +7, Intimidation +7, Persuasion +7,

Senses:Darkvision 60 ft., Psv Per 17
Social: Bluff DC 14, Bribe DC 24, 350gp
Utility: Carry 360lbs., Push 720lbs.

Languages: Common, Orc

Challenge:CR 12 (8,400 xp)

Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.


3x Handaxe Multiattack. +12 to hit.
Hit. 18 (3d6+7) Slashing Damage.

Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, Reach 10 ft.,
Hit: 66 (9d12+7) slashing damage, and is moved 35ft, and knocked prone if they fail a DC 20 STR Save. Success and they are moved half as much and not knocked prone.

Pilium +3. +15 to hit, Thrown Range 80/240 ft.,
Hit: 44 (9d6+12) piercing damage, and must make a DC 20 STR save to keep holding any shields htey are carrying. Creatures without shields must make a DC 20 CON save or be stunned until the end of their next turn.


Pentadrone Large Construct, Loot Value 70, Lawful Neutral CR 7 2,900 xp

  • Armor class 16 (Natural)
  • Hit points 78 (12d10+12)
  • Speed 40ft
  • STR20 (+5)
  • DEX15 (+2)
  • CON13 (+1)
  • INT11 (0)
  • WIS11 (0)
  • CHA14 (+2)

Skills:Athletics +7, Stealth +4, Perception +4,

Senses:Truesight 120ft., Psv Per 14
Social: Bluff DC 12, Bribe DC 16, 40gp
Utility: Carry 600lbs., Push 1,200lbs.


Challenge:CR 7 (2,900 xp)

Axiomatic Mind. The pentadrone can't be compelled to act in a manner contrary to its nature or its instructions.

Disintegration. If the pentadrone dies, its body disintegrates into dust, leaving behind its weapons and anything else it was carrying.

Defensive Swarm. Modrons add +1 to their AC for every friendly Modron within 5ft.


5x Arm Multiattack Weapon Attack. +7 to hit.
Hit. 12 (2d6+5) Slashing damage.

Arm Blaster. Spell Attack. +4 to hit, Range 30ft.
Hit. 9 (2d6+2) Piercing damage.

Paralysis Gas (Recharge 5–6). The pentadrone exhales a 30-foot cone of gas. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 11 CON Save or be Paralyzed for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.


Quadrone Medium Construct, Loot Value 150, Lawful Neutral CR 10 5,900 xp

  • Armor class 20 (Natural)
  • Hit points 162 (19d8+76)
  • Speed 30ft (Walking)
    30ft. (Flying)
  • STR18 (+4)
  • DEX20 (+5)
  • CON18 (+4)
  • INT13 (+1)
  • WIS13 (+1)
  • CHA14 (+2)

Save Throws:DEX +8,

Skills:Athletics +7, Acrobatics +8, Stealth +8, Perception +4,

Senses:Truesight 120ft., Psv Per 14
Social: Bluff DC 13, Bribe DC 19, 100gp
Utility: Carry 270lbs., Push 540lbs.


Challenge:CR 10 (5,900 xp)

Axiomatic Mind. The pentadrone can't be compelled to act in a manner contrary to its nature or its instructions.

Disintegration. If the pentadrone dies, its body disintegrates into dust, leaving behind its weapons and anything else it was carrying.

Pack Tactics. The Modron has advantage on attacks against any creature within 5ft of an ally.

Defensive Swarm. Modrons add +1 to their AC, Attack & Damage Rolls for every friendly Modron within 5ft.


4x Shortbow Multiattack +8 to hit., Range 160/320 ft.
Hit. 12 (2d6+5) Slashing damage.

Body Slam. Melee Attack. +8 to hit.
Hit. 13 (2d8+4) Piercing damage.

Reactive Magic. As a reaction to seeing a creature cast a spell within 40ft, the Pentadrone can trigger a Wild Magic Surge in the caster.

House Elf

House Elf Small Fey, Loot Value 100, Lawful Good CR 9 5,000 xp

  • Armor class 21 (Natural)
  • Hit points 68 (15d6+15)
  • Speed Walking 25 ft.
    Teleport LOS
  • STR9 (-1)
  • DEX20 (+5)
  • CON12 (+1)
  • INT13 (+1)
  • WIS20 (+5)
  • CHA10 (0)

Save Throws:DEX +11, CON +7, INT +7, WIS +11,

Skills:Stealth +11, Arcana +7, Perception +11, Survival +11,

Condition Immunities:Sleep

Senses:Darkvision 60ft., Psv Per 21
Social: Bluff DC 15, Bribe DC 27, 75gp
Utility: Carry 68lbs., Push 135lbs.

Languages:Common, Undercommon, Sylvan

Challenge:CR 9 (5,000 xp)

Magic Resistance. The House Elf has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Counterspell (Recharge 6). As a reaction, the House Elf can interrupt the casting of spells within 90ft. Spells of Level 6 or lower automatically fail, otherwise the House Elf must make a WIS check.

Magical Retaliation. As a reaction to being harmed by a creature it can see, the House Elf can trigger a Wild Magic Surge in the creature. Spell Level 6, DC 19.


3x Arcane Blast. Spell Attack. +11 to hit.
Hit. 19 (3d8+5) Force damage.

Duelist. In lieu of one extra attack, the House Elf can add 7 (1d12) to the damage of their attack and force a save against one of the following conditions.
Disarm, DC 19 STR save. Failure by five or more and the House Elf grabs the weapon.
Prone or Push. DC 19 DEX save, Failure to beat a 19 gets both.
Parry. House Elf gains Disengage and adds 7 (1d12) to it's AC.
Distracting Strke. DC 19 WIS save. All attacks against victim have advantage until end of House Elf's next turn. Failure to beat a 19 grants disadvantage on saves.
Taunt. DC 19 CHA save. Target cannot move beyond 60ft from the House Elf until the end of their next turn.
Gut Worms. DC 19 CON save, or target is Poisoned until the end of the House Elf's next turn.

Grovel, Cower, and Beg. (Recharge 5-6) As an action the House Elf can cower pathetically to distract nearby foes. Until the end of their next turn, their allies gain advantage on attack rolls and skill checks against enemies within 30 feet of you that can seeor hear.


Mage Slayer. The House Elf may make an Opportunity Attack if a creature casts a spell within 30ft of it. The creature must make a Concentration check vs half the damage for the spell to succeed in casting.