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Train Car

Train Car Gargantuan Object, with Train, unaligned CR 4 1,100 xp

  • Armor class 15 (Natural)
  • Hit points 125 (10d20+60)
  • Speed 0 without train.
  • STR20 (+5)
  • DEX10 (0)
  • CON14 (+2)
  • INT0 (-5)
  • WIS0 (-5)
  • CHA0 (-5)

Save Throws:Use +2 for all.

Damage Resistances:Non-Magical Physical, Necrotic
Damage Threshold: 10

Damage Immunities:Poison, Psychic

Condition Immunities:Not a Creature

Senses:Can carry 16 Medium or 32 Small creatures.

Languages:Can only project master's voice.

Challenge:CR 4 (1,100 xp)

Crew Positions: Brakeman (DC 10). The Brakeman can detatch the car as an action while it is not moving. If it is moving, it requires an Athletics check with a DC equal to half the train's movement speed. The car will continue moving forward at its current speed, losing 5ft per turn.
The Brakeman can apply the brakes safely as an action, reducing the speed by 10ft per turn.
They may apply the Emergency Brakes as an action, causing the car to lose as much speed as their Athletics check. This may cause creatures on the cars to take falling damage.
They may lock the brakes as an action when it reaches 0ft of movement, setting the DC to move the car with an Athletics check.


To fire the Cannon:It takes two actions to fire this cannon. One to load, one to fire. A Gunner may Fire or Load the cannon as an action. Qualified Loaders may take the Load action.
The firing creature must select a shot, and roll a d20, adding their DEX to the roll. They may add their Proficiency if they are proficient in Land Vehicles or Firearms. This roll represents the Attack or relevant Save DC's for the following shot options:

Cannon Ball. Main Weapon, Range 600/2,400 ft.
Hit. 55 (10d10) Bludgeoning damage vs Large or greater target only.

Explosive Shot. Main Weapon, Range 150ft.
All Creatures within a 15ft Diameter Sphere of the target area take 28 (8d6) Bludgeoning damage.
Creatures can make a DEX Save for half damage. Failure by 5 or more and they are pushed 5ft away from the point of impact and knocked prone. Failure by 10 or more and they are also stunned until the end of their next turn.

Chain Shot. Main Weapon, Range 100ft.
All creatures within a 100ft line from the cannon take 44 (8d10) Bludgeoning damage. The chain stops once it has dealt all of its damage.
Creatures can make a DEX Save for half damage. Failure by 10 or more and they take double damage.

GrapeShot. Creatures within a 60ft cone take 52 (8d12) Piercing damage, or half with a successful DEX Save.