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Hellhound medium fiend, lawful evil 3 0 xp

  • Armor class 15
  • Hit points 45
  • Speed 50ft.
  • STR 17 (+3)
  • DEX 12 (+1)
  • CON 14 (+2)
  • INT 6 (-2)
  • WIS 13 (+1)
  • CHA 6 (-2)

Skills: Perception +5

Damage Immunities: fire

Senses: Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 15

Languages: Understands Infernal But Can't Speak It

Challenge: 3 (0 xp)

Keen Hearing and Smell. The hound has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Pack Tactics. The hound has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the hound's allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 3) piercing damage plus (2d6)fire damage.

Fire Breath (Recharge 5-6). The hound exhales fire in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Kelseth (Ursus' Brother) v1

Kelseth (Ursus' Brother) v1 , 5 0 xp

  • Armor class 15
  • Hit points 45
  • Speed 30ft.
  • STR 10 (0)
  • DEX 17 (+3)
  • CON 14 (+2)
  • INT 10 (0)
  • WIS 10 (0)
  • CHA 18 (+4)

Skills: Deception +7, Stealth +6

Damage Immunities: necrotic

Senses: darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10

Languages: dwarven, common

Challenge: 5 (0 xp)

Darkness Incarnate. The sorcerer can cast darkness at will as a bonus action without expending verbal or material components.

Douser of Light. Natural fires and other light sources not worn or carried by a creature are magically extinguished when the sorcerer starts its turn within 30 feet of them. While not in direct sunlight, the sorcerer can choose to magically appear as a black silhouette, granting it advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. A DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check exposes the sorcerer's true appearance (but doesn't reveal the sorcerer if it is hidden).

Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the sorcerer to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 plus the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the sorcerer drops to 1 hit point instead.


Innate Spellcasting. The sorcerer's spellcasting ability is Charisma (+7 to hit with spell attacks, spell save DC 15). The sorcerer can cast the following spells innately:
At will: chill touch, false life, minor illusion, sleep
3/day each: blindness/deafness, disguise self, fear, ray of sickness
1/day each: blink, circle of death, invisibility

Eye of Mindrender. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 3) psychic damage.

Summon Hound of Ill Omen (1/Day) The sorcerer summons a hell hound from the Nine Hells to an empty space within 30 feet of it. The hell hound is fiercely loyal to the sorcerer and remains in the material realm for 1 minute or until the sorcerer dismisses it as an action.

Orc Eye of Gruumsh

Orc Eye of Gruumsh medium humanoid (orc), chaotic evil 2 0 xp

  • Armor class 16
  • Hit points 50
  • Speed 30ft.
  • STR 16 (+3)
  • DEX 12 (+1)
  • CON 16 (+3)
  • INT 9 (-1)
  • WIS 13 (+1)
  • CHA 12 (+1)

Skills: Intimidation +3, Religion +1

Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11

Languages: Common, Orc

Challenge: 2 (0 xp)

Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.

Gruumsh's Fury. The orc deals an extra 4 (1d8) damage when it hits with a weapon attack (included in the attack).

Spellcasting. The orc is a 3rd-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 11, +3 to hit with spell attacks). The orc has the following cleric spells prepared:
Cantrips (at-will): guidance, resistance, thaumaturgy
1st level (4 slots): bless, command
2nd level (2 slots): augury, spiritual weapon (spear)


Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d6 + 3 plus 1d8) piercing damage, or 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.


Orc medium humanoid (orc), chaotic evil 1/2 0 xp

  • Armor class 15
  • Hit points 28
  • Speed 30ft.
  • STR 16 (+3)
  • DEX 12 (+1)
  • CON 16 (+3)
  • INT 7 (-2)
  • WIS 11 (0)
  • CHA 0 (-5)

Skills: Intimidation +2

Senses: Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 10

Languages: Common, Orc

Challenge: 1/2 (0 xp)

Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.


Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d12 + 3) slashing damage.

Javelin. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.

Javelin. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.


Orog medium humanoid (orc), chaotic evil 2 0 xp

  • Armor class 18
  • Hit points 45
  • Speed 30ft
  • STR 18 (+4)
  • DEX 12 (+1)
  • CON 18 (+4)
  • INT 12 (+1)
  • WIS 11 (0)
  • CHA 12 (+1)

Skills: Intimidation +5, Survival +2

Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10

Languages: common, orc

Challenge: 2 (0 xp)

Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orog can move up to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.


Multiattack. The orog makes two greataxe attacks.

Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d12 + 4) slashing damage.

Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.