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Girallon, CR 11

Girallon, CR 11 Large Monstrosity, Loot Value 1000, Unaligned CR 11 7,200 xp

  • Armor class 14 (Natural)
  • Hit points 171 (18d10+72)
  • Speed 40 ft., Climb 40 ft.
  • STR24 (+7)
  • DEX19 (+4)
  • CON19 (+4)
  • INT5 (-3)
  • WIS12 (+1)
  • CHA7 (-2)

Skills:Stealth + 8, Perception + 5,

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft., Psv Per 15, Bluff DC 9, Bribe DC 17, 5000 gp


Challenge:CR 11 (7,200 xp)

A girallon looks like an oversized, four-armed ape with gray skin and white fur. Its fangs and claws set it apart from a normal ape, revealing it to be a monstrous predator.

Loot Value 1000


Aggressive.As a bonus action, the creature can move up to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.

Keen Smell. The girallon has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.


Multiattack. The girallon makes 7 attacks. 1 with its bite and 6 with its claws.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack. +11 to hit, Range 5 ft.
Hit. 11 (1d6+7) Piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack. +11 to hit, Range 10 ft.
Hit. 11 (1d6+7) Piercing damage.

Goblin Spear, CR 3

Goblin Spear, CR 3 Small humanoid (goblinoid), Loot Value 10, Loot Value 50, neutral evil CR 3 700 xp

  • Armor class 16 (Studded Leather)
  • Hit points 45 (10d6+10)
  • Speed 30ft
  • STR10 (0)
  • DEX18 (+4)
  • CON12 (+1)
  • INT8 (-1)
  • WIS8 (-1)
  • CHA8 (-1)

Skills:Stealth + 8,

Senses:Darkvision 60ft. Psv Per 9, Bluff DC 8, Bribe DC 12, 200 gp, Carry 75lbs.

Languages: Common, Goblin

Challenge:CR 3 (700 xp)


Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns.

Polearm Master. Entering the Goblin's threat area incurrs an opportunity attack.

Parry. As a reaction, the Goblin can add +2 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it.


2x Spear Multiattack.

Longspear. Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, Reach 10ft. Thrown 20 ft.
Hit. 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.

Net: A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is restrained until it is freed. A net has no effect on creatures that are formless, or creatures that are Huge or larger.
A creature can use its action to make a DC 12 Athletics check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success.
Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 11) also frees the creature without harming it, ending the effect and destroying the net.

Goblin Boss, CR 6

Goblin Boss, CR 6 Small humanoid (goblinoid), Loot Value 30, Loot Value 200, neutral evil CR 6 2,300 xp

  • Armor class 18 (Chain Shirt)
  • Hit points 77 (14d6+28)
  • Speed 30ft
  • STR10 (0)
  • DEX18 (+4)
  • CON14 (+2)
  • INT10 (0)
  • WIS8 (-1)
  • CHA10 (0)

Skills:Stealth + 8,

Senses:Darkvision 60ft, Psv Per 9, Bluff DC 9, Bribe DC 15, 750 gp, Carry 75lbs.

Languages: Common, Goblin

Challenge:CR 6 (2,300 xp)


Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns.


3x Scimitar Multiattack.

Scimitar. Melee Weapon: +7 to hit, reach 5ft.
Hit. 15 (3d6+4) slashing damage.

Shortbow. Ranged Weapon: +7 to hit, range 120/320ft,
Hit. 28 (6d6 +7) piercing damage.

Goblin Archer, CR 3

Goblin Archer, CR 3 Small humanoid (goblinoid), Loot Value 5, Loot Value 50, neutral evil CR 3 700 xp

  • Armor class 18 (Leather)
  • Hit points 54 (12d6+12)
  • Speed 30ft
  • STR8 (-1)
  • DEX20 (+5)
  • CON12 (+1)
  • INT10 (0)
  • WIS8 (-1)
  • CHA8 (-1)

Skills:Stealth + 9,

Senses:Darkvision 60ft. Psv Per 9, Bluff DC 8, Bribe DC 12, 200 gp, Carry 60lbs.

Languages: Common, Goblin

Challenge:CR 3 (700 xp)


Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns.


2x Light Weapon Multiattack.

Scimitar. Melee Weapon: +7 to hit, reach 5ft.
12 (2d6+5) slashing damage.

Shortbow. Ranged Weapon: +7 to hit, range 80/320ft,
12 (2d6 +5) piercing damage.

Crossbow (One attack AND Bonus Action). Ranged Weapon attack. +7 to hit, Range 80ft.
Hit. 23 (4d8+5) Piercing Damage.

Grung Elite Warrior, CR 2

Grung Elite Warrior, CR 2 Small Humanoid, Loot Value 30, Loot Value 30, Lawful Evil CR 2 450 xp

  • Armor class 13 (Natural)
  • Hit points 44 (8d6+16)
  • Speed 25 ft., Climb 25 ft.
  • STR7 (-2)
  • DEX16 (+3)
  • CON15 (+2)
  • INT10 (0)
  • WIS11 (0)
  • CHA12 (+1)

Save Throws:DEX +5,

Skills:Athletics + 2, Stealth + 5, Perception + 2, Survival + 2,

Damage Immunities:Poison

Condition Immunities:Poisoned

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft., Psv Per 12, Bluff DC 11, Bribe DC 15, 100 gp, Carry 53lbs., Push 105lbs.


Challenge:CR 2 (450 xp)


Poisonous Skin.Any creature that grapples the Grung Elite Warrior or otherwise comes into direct contact with the Grung Elite Warrior’s skin must succeed on a DC 12 CON Save or become poisoned for 1 minute.

Standing Leap.The Grung Elite Warrior’s long jump is up to 25 feet and its high jump is up to 15 feet, with or without a running start.

Dripping Poison If the Grung takes damage, it may use its reaction to poison creatures within 5ft of it.


Any creature hit by one of the Grung's weapon attacks must make a DC 12 CON Save or take an additional 5 (2d4) poison damage. The creature also suffers additional affects for every 5 points it failed by until it succeeds a save at the end of its turn.

Dagger . +5 to hit, Range 20/60 ft.
Hit. 6 (1d4+3) Piercing damage.

Shortbow. Ranged Weapon. +5 to hit, Range 80/320 ft.
Hit. 7 (1d6+3) Piercing damage.

Mesmerizing Chirr (Recharge 6). The grung makes a chirring noise to which grungs are immune.
Each humanoid or beast that is within 15 feet of the grung and able to hear it must succeed on a DC 11 WIS Save or be stunned until the end of the grung’s next turn.

Legendary Actions

Grung Poison Variant.Grung poison loses its potency 1 minute after being removed from a grung. A similar breakdown occurs if the grung dies. A creature poisoned by a grung can suffer an additional effect that varies depending on the grung’s skin color. Creautres can repeat their save once per minute until successful.

Green. The creature is knocked prone at the end of every turn.
Blue. The poisoned creature is Silenced.
Purple. The poisoned creature is Blinded. All attacks have disadvantage and all attacks against it have advantage.
Red. The creature is deafened. Disadvantage on Perception and casters must make Arcana checks for Somatic components.
Orange. The poisoned creature is frightened of its allies.
Gold. The poisoned creature is charmed and can speak Grung.

Pterafolk, CR 4

Pterafolk, CR 4 Large Monstrosity, Neutral Evil, Neutral Evil CR 4 1,100 xp

  • Armor class 12 (Natural)
  • Hit points 75 (10d10+20)
  • Speed 30 ft. , Fly 50 ft.
  • STR17 (+3)
  • DEX13 (+1)
  • CON14 (+2)
  • INT9 (-1)
  • WIS10 (0)
  • CHA11 (0)

Skills:Perception + 3, Survival + 3,

Senses:Psv Per 13, Bluff DC 10, Bribe DC 16, 300 gp


Challenge:CR 4 (1,100 xp)

Pterafolk (pronounced TAIR-eh-folk) are 10-foot-tall, winged, reptilian bipeds native to Chult. Malevolent isolationists, they regard most other creatures as their enemies. In Chultan culture, pterafolk are often referred to as “terror folk” for their habit of swooping down from the sky to snatch whatever and whomever they can, then transporting treasure and food back to their roosts.

Pterafolk have 20-foot wingspans and give birth to live young. Ancient rituals once bestowed upon pterafolk the ability to assume the forms of pteranodons and wingless lizardfolk, but those rituals have long been forgotten.

Loot Value 75


Terror Dive.If the Pterafolk is flying and dives at least 30 feet forward toward a target, and then hits that target with a melee weapon attack, the target is frightened until the end of its next turn


Multiattack. The pterafolk makes 4 attacks: 1 with its bite and 3 with its claws. Alternatively, it makes 3 melee attacks with its javelin.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, Range 5 ft.
Hit. 13 (3d4+3) Piercing damage.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, Range 5 ft.
Hit. 7 (1d6+3) Slashing damage.

Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, Range 30/120 ft.
Hit. 14 (3d6+3) Piercing damage.

Triceratops, CR 5

Triceratops, CR 5 Huge Beast, Loot Value 150, Unaligned CR 5 1,800 xp

  • Armor class 13 (Natural)
  • Hit points 95 (10d12+30)
  • Speed 50 ft.
  • STR22 (+6)
  • DEX9 (-1)
  • CON17 (+3)
  • INT2 (-4)
  • WIS11 (0)
  • CHA5 (-3)

Save Throws:STR +9, CON +6,

Skills:Stealth + 2, Perception + 3,

Senses:Psv Per 13, Bluff DC 7


Challenge:CR 5 (1,800 xp)

One of the most aggressive of the herbivorous dinosaurs, a triceratops has a skull that flares out to form a protective plate of bone. With its great horns and formidable speed, a triceratops gores and tramples would-be predators to death.


Trampling Charge. If the Triceratops moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 17 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
If the target is prone, the triceratops can make one stomp attack against it as a bonus action.


Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft.
Hit: 24 (4d8 + 9) piercing damage.

Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft.
Hit: 23 (3d10 + 9) bludgeoning damage.

Orc Eye of Gruumsh, CR 7

Orc Eye of Gruumsh, CR 7 Medium humanoid (orc), Loot Value 300, chaotic evil CR 7 2,900 xp

  • Armor class 16 (Ring Mail, Shield)
  • Hit points 133 (14d8+70)
  • Speed 30
  • STR20 (+5)
  • DEX12 (+1)
  • CON20 (+5)
  • INT9 (-1)
  • WIS17 (+3)
  • CHA12 (+1)

Skills:Stealth Disadvantage, Religion + 1, Perception + 5, Intimidation + 7,

Senses:Darkvision 60 ft, Psv Per 13, Bluff DC 14, Bribe DC 18, 1,500 gp, Carry 300lbs.

Languages:Common Orc

Challenge:CR 7 (2,900 xp)


Aggressive. As a bonus action the orc can move up to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.

Blessed. Up to 2 friendlies within 30ft of the Orc can add 2 (1d4) to their attacks and saves.


2x Spear Multiattack

Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, Reach 5ft.
Hit. 25 (3d6+2d8+5) Piercing damage.

Javelin. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, Range 20/60ft.
Hit. 26 (6d6+5) Piercing damage.

Command(2/day). The Orc can speak a one-word command to a creature within 60ft. which the target must obey for one round if it fails a DC 13 WIS Save.

Healing Word (5/day). As a Bonus Action, The orc can touch a creature and restore 8 (2d4+3) HP as Bonus Action.

Legendary Actions

Spellcasting. The Orc is a Cleric, and it's spellcasting ability is Wisdom. All of its spells require Verbal components.

Cantrips. Guidance, Resistance, Thaumaturgy.

Orc Hulkster, CR 6

Orc Hulkster, CR 6 Medium Orc, Loot Value 3,000, Unaligned CR 6 2,300 xp

  • Armor class 18 (Barbarian)
  • Hit points 95 (9d12+36)
  • Speed 30ft.
  • STR20 (+5)
  • DEX16 (+3)
  • CON19 (+4)
  • INT6 (-2)
  • WIS8 (-1)
  • CHA8 (-1)

Save Throws:STR +8, CON +7,

Skills:Athletics + 8, Acrobatics + 6, Intimidation + 8,

Damage Resistances:Non Magical Piercing, Bludgeoning and Piercing

Senses:Psv Per 9, Bluff DC 8, Bribe DC 14, 10,000 gp, Carry 300lbs., Push 600lbs.


Challenge:CR 6 (2,300 xp)


Berserker. The orc adds it's proficiency to damage, and has resistance to Non-Magical Damage.

Aggressive. As a Bonus Action, the Orc can move up to its speed towards an enemy it can see or hear.


2x Battleaxe Multiattack.

Battleaxe:Melee Attack: +8 to hit.
Hit: 17 (2d8+8) slashing damage.

Javelin. (Recharge on 5-6) +9 to hit, Range 40 ft.
Hit: 34 (4d12 + 8) piercing damage.

Fearful Gaze. As a reaction, the Orc can frighten the last target that dealt it damage it if they fail a DC 16 WIS Save.

Grung Wildling, CR 4

Grung Wildling, CR 4 Small Humanoid, Loot Value 20, Loot Value 75, Lawful Evil CR 4 1,100 xp

  • Armor class 17 (Barkskin, AC 14 if dispelled.)
  • Hit points 72 (11d6+33)
  • Speed 25 ft., Climb 25 ft.
  • STR7 (-2)
  • DEX18 (+4)
  • CON17 (+3)
  • INT10 (0)
  • WIS15 (+2)
  • CHA11 (0)

Save Throws:DEX +7

Skills:Athletics + 4, Stealth + 7, Perception + 5, Survival + 5,

Damage Immunities:Poison

Condition Immunities:Poisoned

Senses:Darkvision, 60ft., Psv Per 15, Bluff DC 12, Bribe DC 18, 300 gp, Carry 53lbs., Push 105lbs.


Challenge:CR 4 (1,100 xp)

Barkskin Armor. The Wildling is concentrating, and must make CON Saves when it takes damage. DC 13 to spot.


Poisonous Skin. Any creature that grapples the Grung Wildling or otherwise comes into direct contact with the Grung Wildling’s skin must succeed on a DC 14 CON Save or become poisoned for 1 minute.

Standing Leap. The Grung Wildling’s long jump is up to 25 feet and its high jump is up to 15 feet, with or without a running start.


Any creature hit by one of the Grung's weapon attacks must make a DC 14 CON Save or take an additional 8 (3d4) poison damage. The creature also suffers additional affects for every 5 points it failed by until it succeeds a save at the end of its turn.

Dagger +1. 2x Multiattack. +7 to hit, Range 20/60 ft.
Hit. 8 (1d4+5) Piercing damage.

Shortbow. Ranged Weapon. +7 to hit, Range 80/320 ft.
Hit. 11 (2d6+4) Piercing damage.

Cure Wounds. (Recharge 5-8) As an action, the Wildling can heal a target for 13.5 (3d8) HP.

Spike Growth. (Recharge 9-11) For 10 MInutes, creatures within a 30ft Radius take 8 (3d4) piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels. The area also counts as difficult terrain. A creature can spot the area with a DC 13 Perception check.

Plant Growth. (Recharge 12) All plants within a 100ft radius become thick and overgrown. A creature moving through the area must spend 4 feet of movement for every 1 foot it moves. The grung can exclude any areas within this radius it prefers.

Legendary Actions

Grung Poison Variant.Grung poison loses its potency 1 minute after being removed from a grung. A similar breakdown occurs if the grung dies. A creature poisoned by a grung can suffer an additional effect that varies depending on the grung’s skin color. Creautres can repeat their save once per minute until successful.

Green. The creature is knocked prone at the end of every turn.
Blue. The poisoned creature is Silenced.
Purple. The poisoned creature is Blinded. All attacks have disadvantage and all attacks against it have advantage.
Red. The creature is deafened. Disadvantage on Perception and casters must make Arcana checks for Somatic components.
Orange. The poisoned creature is frightened of its allies.
Gold. The poisoned creature is charmed and can speak Grung.