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Artemina's Hunting Bow

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsV;S
  • durationConcentration (1 hour)

You conjure into existence a longbow made of twisting vines and branches functioning as a magical longbow that only you can use for the spells duration. As an action on your turn (and once when you conjure the bow)

Other Conjuration

Aphris's Fixed Gaze

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeShort (30 feet)

  • componentsV;S;M (a small silver locket)
  • durationConcentration (1 day)

You become fixated on any creatures you choose within range as long as you can see them. Until the spell ends

Other Divination

Cernunnos Eye

  • casting time1 Bonus Action
  • rangeMedium (60 feet)

  • componentsS;M (an emerald worth 100 GP)
  • durationInstantaneous

You can gaze through the spells material component at a creature within 60 feet in an attempt to glean information on them. Choose one of the following options: Condition immunities Current armor class Current hit points (rounded to the nearest multiple of 25) Damage vulnerabilities Damage immunities and resistances Movement types and speeds Proficiency bonus Saving throw proficiencies (not modifiers) Skill proficiencies (not modifier) Special senses The target must then make a Charisma saving throw. If they fail their save

Other Divination

Chughlihn's Ink Void

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeExtra Long (150 feet)

  • componentsV;S
  • durationInstantaneous

A small glob of ink appears at your fingertips

Other Conjuration

Luciel's Grandbolt

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsV;S;M (a miniature metal lance)
  • durationConcentration (10 Minutes)

A radiant bolt of light gathers in your palm and bursts into the shape of a twisting white quartz spear. This spear remains in your possession for the spells duration. As a bonus action on your turn

Other Evocation

Mordenkainens Disjunction

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeShort (30 feet)

  • componentsV
  • duration1 hour

One target within range that you choose is assailed with magical energy that reduces their magical items to their most basic components. The target must make a Charisma saving throw. If they fail

Other Abjuration

Mordenkainens Electric Arc

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeShort (30 feet)

  • componentsV;S;M (a glass rod and a piece of fur)
  • durationInstantaneous

Electrical energy arcs from your fingertips at four creatures you choose within range who must each make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure

Other Evocation

Mordenkainens Force Missile

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeShort (30 feet)

  • componentsV;S
  • durationInstantaneous

You conjure up a large missile of force energy and fire it at a point you can see within range where it explodes in a 5-footradius sphere. All creatures within range take 5d6 force damage. Any effect capable of nullifying

negating Evocation

Mordenkainens Lucubration

  • casting time1 Bonus Action
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsV;S
  • duration1 hour

You recall information necessary to cast spells you dont currently have access to. Choose two spells you are capable of preparing over a long rest but you dont currently have prepared. For the spells duration

negating Divination

9th 9th
4th 4th
1st 1st
5th 5th
8th 8th
9th 9th
4th 4th
4th 4th
2nd 2nd

Mordenkainens Phantom Guardian

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsV;S;M (a diamond worth 1000 GP)
  • duration1 hour

You manifest an ethereal guardian who watches over you

negating Conjuration

Mordenkainens Shield Maidens

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsV;S;M (a small figure of yourself with two crystal shields tied to it worth 100 gp each)
  • durationConcentration (1 minute)

You conjure two phantom shield maidens who stay at your side for the spells duration

negating Conjuration

Notetakers Gamble

  • casting time1 Bonus Action
  • rangeLong (120 feet)

  • componentsV;S;M (a glass container with a topaz stopper
  • duration worth at least 500 gp)

Concentration (24 hours)

negating Conjuration

Okei's Plaything

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV;S;M (a featureless wooden figurine resembling the creature type of the target
  • duration which the spell consumes)

Until Dispelled

negating Transmutation

Ossenheimer's Archive (ritual)

  • casting time1 minute
  • range10 feet

  • componentsV;S;M (a book with enough blank pages to match the largest book within range)
  • durationUntil Dispelled

You present the material component of this spell

a blank journal Transmutation

Power Word Break

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeShort (30 feet)

  • componentsV
  • durationInstantaneous

You utter a word of power that destroys the weaponry and armor of others. Choose up to 6 targets within range

which must be a nonmagical weapon Evocation

Power Word Clarity

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeMedium (60 feet)

  • componentsV
  • duration1 Minute

You speak a word of power

which must be a nonmagical weapon Enchantment

Power Word Dispel

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeMedium (60 feet)

  • componentsV
  • duration1 Minute

You speak a curse word of power and target one creature within 60 feet. That creature must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save

which must be a nonmagical weapon Abjuration

Power Word Forget

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeMedium (60 feet)

  • componentsV
  • durationInstantaneous

Choose up to three creatures within range that you can see who are concentrating on spells or effects that require concentration. You speak a word of distortion and cloud their minds

which must be a nonmagical weapon Enchantment

6th 6th
4th 4th
5th 5th
9th 9th
4th 4th
5th 5th
7th 7th
7th 7th
5th 5th

Power Word Repel

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeShort (30 feet)

  • componentsV
  • durationInstantaneous

You speak a word of power

which must be a nonmagical weapon Evocation

Power Word Stillness

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeMedium (60 feet)

  • componentsV
  • durationInstantaneous

You speak a word of power that causes a creature to be made still

which must be a nonmagical weapon Enchantment

Power Word Truth

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeSelf (30 foot radius)

  • componentsV
  • durationConcentration (1 minute)

You speak a word of power that forces the world around you to drop all lies and obfuscations. All illusory effects and illusion spells in a 30-foot-radius surrounding you are dispelled or suppressed for the spells duration. Furthermore

which must be a nonmagical weapon Enchantment

Redmane's Furious Yell

  • casting time1 Action
  • range30 foot radius sphere

  • componentsV
  • durationInstantaneous

A boisterous rising call to adventure fills a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on you. All hostile creatures in range must make a Charisma saving throw while they are battered by this worldshaking spirited yell. Any creature that fails is knocked prone

takes 8d6 force damage Evocation

Shamwood Stakeout

  • casting time1 minute
  • range10 feet

  • componentsV;S
  • duration8 Hours

invisibly watching over the area. You may describe criteria to it for anything it should watch out for while it exists. While it remains

takes 8d6 force damage Conjuration

Shrieking Mars

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeShort (30 feet)

  • componentsV;S
  • durationConcentration (1 minute)

within 30 feet of you. Those creatures must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save they are frightened for 1 minute

takes 8d6 force damage Illusion

Therpientis's Stunning Mimicry

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeShort (30 feet)

  • componentsV;S
  • durationConcentration (1 minute)

You target one creature within the spells range who must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save they briefly forget your exact appearance and characteristics

takes 8d6 force damage Illusion

Valm's Irritating Question

  • casting time1 minute
  • rangetouch

  • componentsV;S;M (a blank page
  • duration which records the question and answer)


takes 8d6 force damage Enchantment

Wakefield's Suffocating Darkness

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeShort (30 feet)

  • componentsV;S;M (an unlit lamp)
  • durationConcentration (1 minute)

You conjure up horrific darkness that reaches out toward one target within range and covers their body aggressively

takes 8d6 force damage Necromancy

3rd 3rd
7th 7th
8th 8th
5th 5th
3rd 3rd
2nd 2nd
5th 5th
5th 5th
7th 7th

Writ Block

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeMedium (60 feet)

  • componentsS
  • durationConcentration (1 minute)

You write a line of arcane text describing one target you can see within 60 feet; you describe their current state and enforce that text to prevent them from changing. Choose one of the following options when you cast this spell: Attack rolls Armor class Saving throws Ability checks The target must make an Intelligence saving throw (which they may willingly fail). On a failure

takes 8d6 force damage Enchantment

Writ Bombardment

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeMedium (60 feet)

  • componentsS
  • durationInstantaneous

You write a line of arcane text that describes projectiles appearing and hurtling towards up to 3 targets you can see within 60 feet. The projectiles fire toward them and the targets must each make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save they each take 4d6 bludgeoning damage

takes 8d6 force damage Conjuration

Writ Bookmark

  • casting time1 Action
  • range1 mile

  • componentsS
  • durationConcentration (1 round)

bookmark to those who can see invisible objects. At any time before the spell ends you can use your reaction to teleport yourself and anything you are carrying back to the space where you left the bookmark

takes 8d6 force damage Conjuration

Writ Cannon

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeMedium (60 feet)

  • componentsS
  • durationConcentration (1 minute)

You describe a cannon in great detail

takes 8d6 force damage Conjuration

Writ Consecration

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeShort (30 feet)

  • componentsS
  • durationInstantaneous

You write out a line of sacred text and choose up to 6 creatures within 30 feet of you. Those creatures hear the growling chants of celestial beings wracking them with celestial power. Your targets must make a Charisma saving throw

takes 8d6 force damage Evocation

Writ Forensic

  • casting time1 minute
  • rangetouch

  • componentsS
  • durationConcentration (10 Minutes)

You write a line of arcane text describing the beginning of a flashback as if recounting an effect you had witnessed. Then choose a 10-foot-radius centered on a point you touch

takes 8d6 force damage Divination

Writ Entropy

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeMedium (60 feet)

  • componentsS
  • durationInstantaneous

You write a passage describing a blast of eldritch energy and choose a point within 60 feet

takes 8d6 force damage Illusion

Writ Erase

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeMedium (60 feet)

  • componentsS
  • durationInstantaneous

You copy down a passage describing the exact health of a creature you can see within 60 feet

takes 8d6 force damage Necromancy

Writ Heroism

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeShort (30 feet)

  • componentsS
  • durationConcentration (1 minute)

You write a short phrase describing the heroic antics of an allied creature you can see within 30 feet

takes 8d6 force damage Enchantment

2nd 2nd
2nd 2nd
1st 1st
5th 5th
4th 4th
3rd 3rd
3rd 3rd
2nd 2nd
1st 1st

Writ Horror

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeMedium (60 feet)

  • componentsS
  • durationInstantaneous

You write a passage about a creature you can see within 60 feet finding you terrifying. The creature must then make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failure

takes 8d6 force damage Enchantment

Writ Seizure

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeShort (30 feet)

  • componentsS
  • durationInstantaneous

You conjure a narrative within the mind of a target within range

takes 8d6 force damage Illusion

Writ Slumber

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeLong (120 feet)

  • componentsS
  • durationConcentration (1 minute)

You write a line of arcane text and choose one creature within 120 feet that you can see. That creature must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save

they are Incapacitated for 1 minute Enchantment

Burdened Blood

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeShort (30 feet)

  • componentsV;S
  • durationInstantaneous

One creature you choose is given enhanced fortitude

they are Incapacitated for 1 minute Evocation

Caustic Resolution

  • casting time1 Bonus Action
  • rangeLong (120 feet)

  • componentsV;S;M (small carving of a head with a nail through it)
  • durationConcentration (1 minute)

If a creature is concentrating on a spell or benefiting from a magical effect that targets only them

they are Incapacitated for 1 minute Transmutation

Cursed Talon

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsV;S:M (a crow's claw with obsidian talons worth 500 GP)
  • durationConcentration (1 minute)

You twist and mutate one of your arms to become demonic

they are Incapacitated for 1 minute Transmutation

Eye of Eradication

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsV;S;M (a dried demon eye)
  • durationConcentration (1 minute)

For the spells duration one of your eyes becomes infused with concentrated fiendish energy that tears at the minds of those who see it

they are Incapacitated for 1 minute Necromancy

Fiendish Aspect

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsV;S
  • duration1 round

Until the start of your next turn

they are Incapacitated for 1 minute Transmutation

Hathoyura's Feather Dance

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangetouch

  • componentsV;S;M (a ravens skull
  • duration with ruby eyes worth at least 200 gp

Concentration (1 minute) Transmutation

4th 4th
Cantrip Cantrip
2nd 2nd
1st 1st
3rd 3rd
8th 8th
9th 9th
Cantrip Cantrip
7th 7th

Hungering Vortex

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeLong (120 feet)

  • componentsV;S;M (a glove soaked in fiendish blood)
  • durationConcentration (1 minute)

A mote of purple haze appears at a point within range

Concentration (1 minute) Evocation

Inuyari's Beast Stride

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV;S;M (a wolf-head figurine worth at least 200 gp
  • duration which the spell consumes)

Concentration (1 minute)

Concentration (1 minute) Transmutation

Karmatic Resilience

  • casting time1 reaction
  • rangeself

  • componentsV
  • duration1 Minute

When you fail a saving throw that triggers this effect

Concentration (1 minute) Abjuration

Mass Burdened Blood

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeShort (30 feet)

  • componentsV;S;M (a flask of blood)
  • durationInstantaneous

Up to 6 creatures you choose within range are given enhanced fortitude

Concentration (1 minute) Evocation


  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeTouch

  • componentsV;S
  • durationInstantaneous

You touch one creature

Concentration (1 minute) Necromancy

Planar Detection (ritual)

  • casting time10 minutes
  • rangeLong (120 feet)

  • componentsV;S;M (a dream catcher woven with silver thread worth 100 GP)
  • duration8 Hours

You weave a charm into the area

Concentration (1 minute) Divination

Power Word Lethargy

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeMedium (60 feet)

  • componentsV;S
  • durationInstantaneous

Choose up to six creatures within range who you speak a word of debilitating exhaustion to. Any of those creatures who has 100 hit points remaining or fewer must make a Constitution saving throw. If they fail

Concentration (1 minute) Necromancy

Power Word Misfortune

  • casting time1 reaction (to a crit)
  • rangeMedium (60 feet)

  • componentsV;S
  • durationInstantaneous

When a creature scores a critical hit within range

Concentration (1 minute) Enchantment

Samaru's Traumatic Aggravation

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeShort (30 feet)

  • componentsV;S
  • durationConcentration (1 minute)

One creature you target within range experiences horrific variants of memories from their life that become twisted into scenes of carnage and traumatic imagery. The target must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failure

Concentration (1 minute) Enchantment

2nd 2nd
6th 6th
2nd 2nd
5th 5th
Cantrip Cantrip
3rd 3rd
8th 8th
3rd 3rd
4th 4th


  • casting time1 Reaction
  • rangeself

  • componentsV;S;M (small blade)
  • durationInstantaneous

You may exchange your own blood and well-being to briefly increase your abilities. You succeed on a saving throw that you would otherwise fail

Concentration (1 minute) Necromancy

Shadow Gate (Ritual)

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeShort (30 feet)

  • componentsV;S;M (any object from the Shadowfell
  • duration or one that had been there for an unbroken year at some point)


Concentration (1 minute) Conjuration

Transfer Vice

  • casting time1 reaction
  • rangeLong (120 feet)

  • componentsV;S:M (a wicker figurine)
  • durationInstantaneous

When one creature within range is killed or reduced to 0 hit points while suffering from a detrimental effect (such as being poisoned

Concentration (1 minute) Necromancy

Trudging Circle

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeSelf

  • componentsV;S;M (a time piece)
  • durationConcentration (1 minute)

You create a field of magical energy that soaks up effects that increase the movement speed of creatures within it. This field is a 50-foot-radius sphere centered on you

Concentration (1 minute) Abjuration


  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeMedium (60 feet)

  • componentsV;S;M (a bound ball of dried thorns)
  • duration10 minutes

You create a 20-foot-radius sphere of fiendish influence centered on a point within range

Concentration (1 minute) Abjuration

Vengeful Beckoning

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeShort (30 feet)

  • componentsV;S;M (a ruby ring worth at least 300 gp
  • duration which this spell consumes)

Concentration (1 minute)

Concentration (1 minute) Conjuration

Vibrance Sap

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeShort (30 feet)

  • componentsV;S
  • durationInstantaneous

A burst of energy in the shape of a lesser yokai fires at one target within range as a ranged spell attack. On a hit

Concentration (1 minute) Necromancy

Yokai Possession

  • casting time1 Action
  • rangeMedium (60 feet)

  • componentsV;S
  • durationConcentration (1 hour)

You conjure a yokai spirit by trapping traumatic emotional energies within a magical shell

Concentration (1 minute) Enchantment

1st 1st
5th 5th
1st 1st
4th 4th
7th 7th
6th 6th
1st 1st
9th 9th