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Alter Self

  • casting time 2
  • range Self

  • components V, S
  • duration 3d4 rds. + 2 rds./lvl

When this spell is cast, the wizard can alter their appearance and form. Your body can undergo a limited physical alteration to change in size by up to 50%, as well as changing into any kind of human, demihuman, or other generally man-shaped bipedal creature, and your clothes and equipment can be similarly changed. If the selected form has wings, you can fly, but only at 1/3 the speed of the actual creature. If the form has gills, you can breathe underwater. However, you gain no combat-related bonuses based on the assumed form. Once the form is chosen, it remains for the duration, or until you dismiss it at will. A slain caster automatically reverts to their true form.

Wizard 2nd-level alteration


  • casting time 2
  • range 30 yds.

  • components V, S, M
  • duration 1 rd./lvl

a ropelike object within range

When this spell is employed, the wizard can command any nonliving ropelike object, including string, yarn, cord, line, rope, or even a cable. The spell affects 50 feet of normal rope (with a 1-inch diameter), plus 5 feet per caster level. This length is reduced by 50% for every additional inch of thickness and increased by 50% for each half-inch less. The possible commands are Coil (form a neat, coiled stack), Coil & Knot, Loop, Loop & Knot, Tie & Knot, and the reverses of all of the above. One command can be given each round. The rope can only enwrap a creature within 1 foot of itself. The rope does not inflict damage of any type, but can be used as a trip line or to entangle a single opponent who fails a save vs. spell.

Wizard 2nd-level enchantment


  • casting time 2
  • range 30 yds. + 10 yds./lvl

  • components V
  • duration Special

The blindness spell causes the victim to become blind, able to see only a grayness before its eyes. Various cure spells will not remove this effect, and only a dispel magic or the spellcaster can do away with the blindness if the creature fails its initial saving throw vs. spell. A blinded creature suffers a -4 penalty to its attack rolls, and its opponents gain a +4 bonus to their attack rolls.

Wizard 2nd-level illusion


  • casting time 2
  • range Self

  • components V, S
  • duration 3 rds. + 1 rd./lvl

When a blur spell is cast, the wizard causes the outline of their form to become blurred, shifting and wavering. This distortion causes all missile and melee combat attacks against you to be made with -4 penalties on the first attempt and -2 penalties on all successive attacks. It also grants you a +1 bonus to your saving throws against any direct magical attack. A detect invisibility spell will not counter this effect, but the 5th-level priest spell True Seeing and similar magic will.

Wizard 2nd-level illusion

Continual Light

  • casting time 2
  • range 60 yds.

  • components V, S
  • duration Permanent

This spell is similar to a light spell, except that it is as bright as full daylight and lasts until negated by magical darkness or by a dispel magic spell. As with the light spell, it can be cast into the air, onto an object, or at a creature. When cast at a creature, the target gets a saving throw vs. spell, where success indicates that the spell affects the space about 1 foot behind the creature instead. Note that this spell can also blind a creature if it is successfully cast upon the creature's visual organs, reducing its attack rolls, saving throws, and Armor Class by 4. If the spell is cast on a small object that is then placed in a light-proof covering, the spell's effects are blocked until the covering is removed. A continual light brought into an area of magical darkness (or vice versa) is temporarily negated so that the otherwise prevailing light conditions exist in the overlapping areas of effect. A direct casting of continual light against a similar or weaker magical darkness cancels both. This spell eventually consumes the material it is cast upon, but the process takes extremely long. Extremely hard and expensive materials can thousands of years.

Wizard 2nd-level alteration

Darkness, 15' Radius

  • casting time 2
  • range 10 yds./lvl, 15 ft. radius

  • components V, S, M
  • duration 1 turn + 1 rd./lvl

a bit of bat fur and a drop of pitch or a piece of coal

This spell causes total, impenetrable darkness in the area of effect. Infravision is useless. Neither normal nor magical light works unless a light or continual light spell is used. In the former event, the darkness spell is negated by the light spell, and vice versa.

Wizard 2nd-level alteration


  • casting time 2
  • range 60 yds.

  • components V, S, M
  • duration Special


This spell causes the recipient to become totally deaf and unable to hear any sounds. The victim is allowed a saving throw vs. spell. An affected creature has a -1 penalty to its surprise rolls unless its other senses are unusually keen. Deafened spellcasters have a 20% chance to miscast any spell with a verbal component. This deafness can be done away with only by means of a dispel magic spell or by the spellcaster.

Wizard 2nd-level illusion


  • casting time 1 Turn
  • range Range

  • components V, S, M
  • duration 12 hrs. + 1 hr./lvl

a tiny golden needle and a strip of fine cloth, given a half-twist and fastened at the ends

This spell enables the wizard to specially prepare a garment so as to hold far more than it normally could. A finely sewn gown or robe of high-quality material (at least 50 gp value) is fashioned so as to contain numerous hand-sized pockets. One dozen is the minimum number. The deeppockets spell then enables these pockets to hold a total of 100 pounds (5 cubic feet in volume) as if it were only 10 pounds of weight. Furthermore, there are no discernible bulges where the special pockets are. Each special pocket is actually an extradimensional holding space. If the spell duration expires while there is material within the enchanted pockets, or if a successful dispel magic is cast upon the enchanted garment, all the material suddenly appears around the wearer and immediately falls to the ground. You can also cause all the pockets to empty with a single command. The garment loses its magic at the end of the spell's duration, but can be reused for the purposes of this spell.

Wizard 2nd-level alteration/enchantment

Detect Evil*

  • casting time 2
  • range 180 ft. line

  • components V, S, M
  • duration 5 rds./lvl


This spell discovers emanations of evil (or of good in the case of the reverse spell) from any creature, object, or area. Character alignment is not revealed under most circumstances: Characters who are strongly aligned, do not stray from their faith, and who are at least 9th level might radiate good or evil if they are intent upon appropriate actions. Powerful monsters, such as ki-rin, send forth emanations of evil or good, even if polymorphed. Aligned undead radiate evil, for it is this power and negative force that enables them to continue existing. An evilly cursed object or unholy water radiates evil, but a hidden trap or an unintelligent viper does not. The degree of evil (faint, moderate, strong, overwhelming) can be noted. Note that priests have a more powerful version of this spell. You must concentrate for at least one round to receive a reading.

Wizard 2nd-level divination

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Detect Invisibility

  • casting time 2
  • range 30 ft./lvl line

  • components V, S, M
  • duration 5 rds./lvl

a pinch of talc and a small sprinkling of powdered silver

When the wizard casts this spell, they are able to see clearly any objects or beings that are invisible, as well as any that are astral, ethereal, or out of phase. In addition, it enables you to detect hidden or concealed creatures (for example, thieves in shadows, halflings in underbrush, and so on). It does not reveal the method of concealment or invisibility, except in the case of astral travelers (where the silver cord can be seen). It does not reveal illusions or enable the caster to see through physical objects.

Wizard 2nd-level divination


  • casting time 2
  • range 5 yds./lvl

  • components V, S, M
  • duration Duration

a copper piece

When an ESP spell is used, the wizard is able to detect the surface thoughts of any creatures in range. The ESP is stopped by 2 feet of rock, 2 inches of any metal other than lead, or a thin sheet of lead foil. You are able to probe the surface thoughts of one creature per round. Probes can continue on the same creature from round to round or can move on to other creatures. You can use the spell to help determine if a creature lurks behind a door, for example, but the ESP does not always reveal what sort of creature it is. If used as part of a program of interrogation, an intelligent and wary subject receives an initial saving throw. If successful, the creature successfully resists and the spell reveals no additional information. If the saving throw is failed, you may learn additional information.

Wizard 2nd-level divination

Flaming Sphere

  • casting time 2
  • range 10 yds., 3 ft. radius

  • components V, S, M
  • duration 1 rd./lvl

a bit of tallow, a pinch of sulphur, and a dusting of powdered iron

This spell creates a burning globe of fire within 10 yards of the wizard. This sphere rolls in whichever direction you point, at a rate of 30 feet per round. It rolls over barriers less than 4 feet tall, such as furniture, low walls, etc. Flammable substances are set afire by contact with the sphere. Creatures in contact with the globe must successfully save vs. spell or suffer 2d4 points of fire damage. Those within 5 feet of the sphere's surface must also save or suffer 1d4 points of heat damage. A successful saving throw means no damage is suffered. The DM may adjust the saving throws if there is little or no room to dodge the sphere. The sphere moves as long as you actively direct it. Otherwise, it merely stays at rest and burns. It can be extinguished by the same means as any normal fire of its size. The surface of the sphere has a spongy, yielding consistency and so does not cause damage except by its flame.

Wizard 2nd-level evocation

Fog Cloud

  • casting time 2
  • range 10 yds.

  • components V, S
  • duration Duration

The fog cloud spell can be cast in one of two ways, at the wizard's option: as a large, stationary bank of normal fog, or as a harmless fog that resembles the 5th-level wizard spell Cloudkill. As a fog bank, this spell creates a fog of any size and shape up to a maximum 20-foot cube per caster level. The fog obscures all sight, normal and infravision, beyond 2 feet. As a Cloudkill-like fog, this is a billowing mass of ghastly, yellowish-green vapors, measuring 40 feet x 20 feet x 20 feet. This moves away from you at 10 feet per round. The vapors are heavier than air and sink to the lowest level, even pouring down sinkholes and den openings. Very thick vegetation breaks up the fog after it has moved 20 feet into the vegetation. The only effect of either version is to obscure vision. A strong breeze will disperse either effect in one round, while a moderate breeze will reduce the spell duration by 50%. The spell cannot be cast underwater.

Wizard 2nd-level alteration

Fool's Gold

  • casting time 1 Round
  • range 10 yds.

  • components V, S, M
  • duration 1 hr./lvl

25gp citrine, 50gp amber, 250gp topaz, or 500gp corundum, powdered

Copper coins can temporarily be changed to gold pieces, or brass items turned to solid gold, for the spell duration by means of this magic. The area of effect is 10 cubic inches per level--i.e., a 1-inch x 1-inch x 10-inch volume or equivalent, equal to about 150 gold coins. Any creature viewing the gold is entitled to a save vs. spell, with a -1 penalty per experience level you have. Thus, it is unlikely that fools' gold will be detected if created by a high-level caster. If the gold is struck hard by an object of cold-wrought iron, there is a slight chance it will revert to its natural state, depending on the material used to cast the spell: 30% with citrine, 25% with amber, 10% with topaz, and 1% with corundum.

Wizard 2nd-level alteration/illusion


  • casting time 2
  • range 30 yds., 20 ft. cube

  • components V, S
  • duration Permanent

By means of this spell, the wizard causes creatures within the area of effect to forget the events of the previous round. For every three levels of experience you have, another minute of past time is forgotten. This does not negate Charm, Suggestion, Geas, Quest, or similar spells, but it is possible that the being who placed such magic upon the recipient could be forgotten. Up to four creatures in range can be affected, at your discretion. If only one is to be affected, the recipient saves vs. spell with a -2 penalty. If two, they save with -1 penalties. If three or four are to be affected, they save normally. A priest's Heal or Restoration spell, if specially cast for this purpose, will restore the lost memories, as will a Limited Wish or Wish, but no other means will do so.

Wizard 2nd-level enchantment


  • casting time 2
  • range 10 yds./lvl, 20 ft. cube

  • components V, S, M
  • duration 1d4 rds. + 1 rd./lvl

ground mica

This spell creates a cloud of glittering golden particles within the area of effect. Those in the area must roll a successful saving throw vs. spell or be blinded (-4 penalties to attack rolls, saving throws, and Armor Class) for 1d4+1 rounds. In addition, all within the area are covered by the dust, which cannot be removed and continues to sparkle until it fades. Note that this reveals invisible creatures.

Wizard 2nd-level conjuration

Hypnotic Pattern

  • casting time 2
  • range 30 yds., 30 ft. cube

  • components S, M
  • duration Special

a stick of incense or crystal rod filled with phosphorescent material

When this spell is cast, the wizard creates a weaving, twisting pattern of subtle colors in the air. This pattern causes any creature looking at it to become fascinated and stand gazing at it as long as you maintain the display, plus two rounds thereafter. The spell can captivate a maximum of 24 levels, or Hit Dice, of creatures. All creatures affected must be within the area of effect, and each is entitled to a save vs. spell. A damage-inflicting attack on an affected creature frees it from the spell immediately.

Wizard 2nd-level illusion

Improved Phantasmal Force

  • casting time 2
  • range 60 yds. + 10 yds./lvl

  • components V, S, M
  • duration Special

a bit of fleece

Like the 1st-level Phantasmal Force spell, this spell creates the illusion of any object, creature, or force, as long as it is within the spell's area of effect. The wizard can maintain the illusion with minimal concentration--thus, they can move at half normal speed, but not cast other spells. Some minor sounds are included in the effects of the spell, but not understandable speech. Also, the improved phantasm continues for two rounds after you cease concentrating upon it. The affected area can be 200 square feet, plus 50 square feet per level of experience you have.

Wizard 2nd-level illusion

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  • casting time 2
  • range Touch

  • components V, S, M
  • duration Special

an eyelash encased in a bit of gum arabic

This spell causes the creature touched to vanish from sight and be undetectable by normal vision or even infravision. Of course, the invisible creature is not magically silenced, and certain other conditions can render the creature detectable. Items dropped or put down by the invisible creature become visible--items picked up disappear if tucked into the clothing or pouches worn by the creature. Note, however, that light never becomes invisible, although a source of lightcan become so. Thus, the effect is that of a light with no visible source. The spell remains in effect until it is magically broken or dispelled, until the wizard or recipient cancels it, until the recipient attacks any creature, or until 24 hours have passed. Thus, the invisible being can open doors, talk, eat, climb stairs, etc., so long as they don't attack.

Wizard 2nd-level illusion


  • casting time 2
  • range 10 yds./lvl, 15 ft. radius

  • components V, S, M
  • duration Special

a leaf from poison ivy, oak, or sumac

This spell affects the epidermis of 1-4 creatures within range. This spell can be cast in two forms, Itch or Rash. ITCH can target up to 4 creatures within range, and if one round is not immediately spent scratching the irritated area, the creature is so affected that the next 3 rounds are spent squirming and twisting, effectively worsening their AC by 4 and their attack rolls by 2. Spell preparations are ruined during the first round of this effect only. RASH, however, can only target one creature. When cast, the subject notices nothing for 1d4 rounds, but thereafter its entire skin breaks out in red, itchy welts. It lowers Charisma by 1 point per day to a maximum of -4, and Dexterity is reduced by 1 after one week. The rash lasts until a Cure Disease or Dispel Magic spell is cast upon it. When targeting only two creatures, the targets receive a -1 penalty to their save vs. spell. When targeting only one creature, the target has a -2 penalty.

Wizard 2nd-level alteration


  • casting time 1
  • range 60 yds., 10 sqft./lvl

  • components V, M
  • duration Special


The knock spell opens stuck, barred, locked, or held doors. It opens secret doors, as well as locked or trick-opening boxes or chests. It also loosens welds, shackles, or chains. If used to open a Wizard-Locked door, the spell does not remove the former spell, but simply suspends its functioning for one turn. Note that the effect is limited by the area. A 3rd-level wizard can cast a knock spell on a door of 30 square feet or less (for example, a standard 4-ft. x 7-ft. door). Each spell can undo up to two means of preventing egress through a portal. Thus if a door is locked, barred, and held, or triple locked, opening it requires two knock spells. In all cases, the location of the door or item must be known. The reverse spell, lock, closes and locks a door or similar closure, provided there is a physical mechanism. It does not create a weld, but it locks physically operated locking mechanisms, set bars, and so on, up to two functions.

Wizard 2nd-level alteration

Know Alignment

  • casting time 1 Round
  • range 10 yds.

  • components V, S, M
  • duration 1 rd./lvl


This spell enables the priest to exactly read the aura of a creature or an aligned object (unaligned objects reveal nothing). You must remain stationary and concentrate on the subject for a full round. If the creature rolls a successful save vs. spell, you learn nothing about that particular creature from the casting. Certain magical devices negate the power of the know alignment spell. The reverse, Undetectable Alignment, conceals the alignment of an object or creature for 24 hours.

Wizard 2nd-level divination

Leomund's Trap

  • casting time 3 Rounds
  • range Touch

  • components V, S, M
  • duration Permanent

a piece of iron pyrite, touched to the object while it is sprinkled with 200gp of special dust

This false trap is designed to fool a thief or other character attempting to pilfer the wizard's goods. The wizard places the spell upon any small mechanism or device, such as a lock, hinge, hasp, screw-on cap, ratchet, etc. Any character able to detect traps, or who uses any spell or device enabling trap detection, is 100% certain a real trap exists. Of course, the spell is illusory and nothing happens if the trap is sprung--its primary purpose is to frighten away thieves or make them waste precious time. If another Leomund's Trap is within 50 feet when the spell is cast, the casting fails.

Wizard 2nd-level illusion


  • casting time 2
  • range 20 yds./lvl

  • components V, S, M
  • duration 1 turn/lvl

a small leather loop or a piece of golden wire with a shank on one end

This spell causes one target weighing up to 100 pounds per level of experience to begin floating. If cast on the wizard, they can move vertically up and down at a movement rate of 2. If cast on another object or creature, you can levitate it at the same speed according to your command. This spell does not empower horizontal movement, but the recipient can push off of things in order to move horizontally. You can cancel this spell at any time. Unwilling targets get a save vs. spell to avoid its effects. Levitating creatures have a cumulative -1 to attack on each missile attack, but can stabilize to reset.

Wizard 2nd-level alteration

Locate Object*

  • casting time 2
  • range 20 yds./lvl line

  • components V, S, M
  • duration 1 rd./lvl

a forked twig, reversible with chameleon skin

This spell aids in locating a known or familiar object. The wizard casts the spell, slowly turns, and senses when they are facing in the direction of the object to be located, provided it is within range. The spell can locate such objects as apparel, jewelry, furniture, tools, weapons, or even a ladder or stairway. Note that attempting to find a specific item, such as jewelry or a crown, requires an accurate mental image--if the image is not close enough to the actual, the spell does not work. Desired but unique objects cannot be located by this spell unless they are known by you. The spell is blocked by lead. Creatures cannot be targeted by this spell. The material component is a forked twig. The reversal, obscure object, hides an object from location by spell, crystal ball, or similar means for eight hours.

Wizard 2nd-level divination

Magic Mouth

  • casting time 2
  • range 10 yds., 5 yds./lvl radius

  • components V, S, M
  • duration Until Activated

a small bit of honeycomb

When this spell is cast, the wizard imbues the chosen object with an enchanted mouth that suddenly appears and speaks its message when a specified event occurs. The message, which must be of 25 words or less, can be in any language known by you, and can be delivered over a period of one turn. The mouth moves to the words articulated--if it is placed upon a statue, the mouth of the statue would actually move and appear to speak. The magic mouth can be placed upon any object or non-intelligent plant. The spell functions when specific conditions are fulfilled, according to the command of the spellcaster. Commands can be as general or as detailed as desired, although only visual and audible triggers can be used, such as the following: Speak only when a venerable female human carrying a sack of groat clusters sits crosslegged within 1 foot. Such visual triggers can react to a character using the disguise ability. A magic mouth cannot distinguish invisible creatures, alignments, level, Hit Dice, or class, except by external garb.

Wizard 2nd-level alteration

Melf's Acid Arrow

  • casting time 2
  • range 180 yds.

  • components V, S, M
  • duration 1 rd. + 1 rd./3 lvls

a dart, powdered rhubarb leaf, and an aadder's stomach

By means of this spell, the wizard creates a magical arrow that speeds to its target as if fired from the bow of a fighter of the same level as the wizard. No modifiers for range, nonproficiency, or specialization are used. The arrow has no attack or damage bonus, but it inflicts 2d4 points of acid damage (with saving throws for items on the target). There is no splash damage. The acid, unless somehow neutralized, lasts for another round, inflicting another 2d4 points of damage each round.

Wizard 2nd-level conjuration

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Mirror Image

  • casting time 2
  • range Self, 6 ft. radius

  • components V, S
  • duration 3 rds./lvl

When a mirror image spell is invoked, the spellcaster causes from two to eight (1d4, plus 1 per 3 levels of experience) exact duplicates of themself to come into being around them. These images do exactly what you do. Since the spell causes a blurring and slight distortion when it is cast, it is impossible for opponents to be certain which are the illusions and which is the actual wizard. When an image is struck by a melee or missile attack, magical or otherwise, it disappears, but any other existing images remain intact until struck. The images seem to shift from round to round, so that if the actual wizard is struck during one round, they cannot be picked out from among their images the next.

Wizard 2nd-level illusion


  • casting time 2
  • range 30 yds.

  • components V, S
  • duration 8 hrs.

By means of this spell, the wizard misdirects the information about a target learned from detection spells. While this spell functions, detection spells indicate the wrong area, the wrong creature, or the opposite of the truth (with respect to Detect Evil or Detect Lie). If a caster of a detection spell on the target fails their saving throw vs. spell, the misdirection takes place. Note that this spell does not affect other types of divination.

Wizard 2nd-level illusion

Protection From Cantrips

  • casting time 1 Round
  • range Touch

  • components V, S
  • duration 5 hrs. + 1 hr./lvl

By casting this spell, the wizard grants one target immunity to the effects of cantrips cast by other wizards, apprentices, or creatures that use the cantrip spell. Any cantrip cast against the protected person or item dissipates with an audible popping sound. This spell is often used by a wizard who has mischievous apprentices, or one who wishes apprentices to clean or shine an area using elbow grease rather than magic. Any unwilling target of this spell must be touched (via an attack roll) and is allowed a saving throw vs. spell to escape the effect.

Wizard 2nd-level abjuration


  • casting time Casttime
  • range 120 yds.

  • components V, S, M
  • duration Special

a fire source within range

This spell draws upon an existing fire source to produce one of two effects. First, it can produce a flashing and fiery burst of glowing, colored aerial fireworks that lasts 1 round. This effect temporarily blinds those creatures in, under, or within 120 feet of the area and that have an unobstructed line of sight to the burst, for 1d4+1 rounds unless they save vs. spell. Second, it can cause a thick, writhing stream of smoke to arise from the source and form a choking cloud that lasts for 1 round per level of experience you have. This covers a roughly spherical volume from the ground or floor up (or conforming to the shape of a confined area) that totally obscures vision beyond 2 feet. The smoke fills a volume 100 times that of the fire source. All within the cloud must roll successful saving throws vs. spell or suffer -2 penalties to all combat rolls and Armor Class. Nonmagical fire sources used for this spell are not extinguished, though creatures made of fire take 1 damage per caster level.

Wizard 2nd-level alteration

Ray of Enfeeblement

  • casting time 2
  • range 10 yds. + 5 yds./lvl

  • components V, S
  • duration 1 rd./lvl

By means of this spell, the wizard weakens an opponent, reducing its Strength and thereby the attacks that rely upon it. Humans, demihumans, and humanoids of man-size or less are reduced to an effective Strength of 5, losing all Strength bonuses and suffering an attack roll penalty of -2 and a -1 penalty to damage. Other creatures suffer a penalty of -2 on attack rolls and have a -1 penalty for each die of damage they inflict. This spell does not affect combat bonuses due to magical items, and those conferring increased Strength function normally.

Wizard 2nd-level enchantment

Rope Trick

  • casting time 2
  • range Touch

  • components V, S, M
  • duration 2 turns/lvl

powdered corn extract and a twisted loop of parchment

When this spell is cast upon a piece of rope from 5 to 30 feet long, one end of the rope rises into the air until the whole rope hangs perpendicular, as if affixed at the upper end. The upper end is, in fact, fastened to an extradimensional space. The spellcaster and up to seven others can climb up the rope and disappear into this place of safety where no creature can find them. The rope can be pulled into the extradimensional space only if it is not full. Spells cannot be cast across the interdimensional interface, nor can area effects cross it. Those in the extradimensional space can see out of it as if there were a 3-foot x 5-foot window centered on the rope. The persons in the extradimensional space must climb down prior to the end of the spell, or they are dropped from the height at which they entered the extradimensional space. Note that the rope trick spell enables climbers to reach a normal place if they do not climb all the way to the extradimensional space.

Wizard 2nd-level alteration


  • casting time 2
  • range 30 yds. + 10 yds./lvl, 15 ft. radius

  • components V, S, M
  • duration 1d4 rds. + 1 rd./lvl

a bit of bone from an undead

This spell causes creatures with fewer than 6 Hit Dice or levels of experience to fall into fits of trembling and shaking. The frightened creatures have a -2 reaction adjustment and may drop items held if encumbered. If cornered, they fight, but with -1 penalties to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. Only elves, half-elves, and priests are allowed saving throws against this spell. Undead and creatures of upper and lower planes are unaffected by this spell.

Wizard 2nd-level enchantment


  • casting time 2
  • range 30 yds. + 10 yds./lvl, 3 ft. radius

  • components V, S, M
  • duration Instantaneous

a chip of mica

This spell is a sound-based attack that affects nonmagical objects of crystal, glass, ceramic, or porcelain, such as vials, bottles, flasks, jugs, windows, mirrors, etc. All such objects within a 3-foot radius of the center of the spell effect are smashed into dozens of pieces by the spell. Objects weighing more than one pound per level of experience you have are not affected, but all other objects of the appropriate composition must save vs. crushing blow or be shattered. Alternatively, the spell can be focused against a single item of up to 10 pounds per caster level. Crystalline creatures usually suffer 1d6 points of damage per caster level to a maximum of 6d6, with a saving throw vs. spell for half damage.

Wizard 2nd-level alteration

Spectral Hand

  • casting time 2
  • range 30 yds. + 5 yds./lvl

  • components V, S
  • duration 2 rds./lvl

This spell causes a ghostly, glowing hand, shaped from the wizard's life force, to materialize within the spell range and move as they desire. Any touch attack spell of 4th level or less that is subsequently cast by you can be delivered by the spectral hand. The spell gives a +2 bonus to your attack roll. You cannot perform any other actions when attacking with the hand--the hand returns to you and hovers if you take other actions. The hand lasts the full spell duration unless dismissed by you. The hand receives flank and rear attack bonuses if you are in a position to do so. The hand is vulnerable to magical attack but has an Armor Class of -2. Any damage to the hand ends the spell and inflicts 1d4 points of damage to you.

Wizard 2nd-level necromancy

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Stinking Cloud

  • casting time 2
  • range 30 yds., 20 ft. cube

  • components V, S, M
  • duration 1 rd./lvl

a rotten egg or several skunk cabbage leaves

When this spell is cast, the wizard creates a billowing mass of nauseous vapors centered on a point within range. Any creature caught within the cloud must roll a successful save vs. poison or be reeling and unable to attack because of nausea for 1d4+1 rounds after leaving the cloud. Those who make successful saving throws can leave the cloud without suffering any ill effects, although those remaining in the cloud must continue to save each round. These poisonous effects can be slowed or neutralized by appropriate magic. The cloud duration is halved in a moderate breeze, and is dispersed in one round by a stronger breeze.

Wizard 2nd-level evocation


  • casting time 1 Turn
  • range Touch

  • components V, S, M
  • duration 1 hr./lvl

a few hairs, or a pitch of dung, from a strong animal

This spell increases the Strength of a character by a number of points, to a maximum of 18. The amount of Strength gained depends on the class of the recipient: 1d4 for Wizards, 1d6 for Priests or Rogues, and 1d8 for Warriors. If a Warrior already has 18 Strength, instead 10-80% is added to their Extraordinary Strength roll. Beings without Strength scores receive a +1 to attack and damage rolls.

Wizard 2nd-level alteration

Summon Swarm

  • casting time 2
  • range 60 yds., 10 ft. cube

  • components V, S, M
  • duration Until Dispersed

a square of red cloth

This spell draws a swarm of small animals of a random type to viciously attack all creatures within range. Creatures spending their actions defending against the swarm take 1 damage per round within. Taking other actions, including leaving the swarm, causes 1d4 damage plus 1 damage per three levels of experience you have each round. Spellcasting within the swarm is impossible. The swarm disperses if it takes damage equal to 2 times your caster level, through means such as fire or areas of effect. You must concentrate on maintaining control on the swarm, or else it disperses in 2 rounds. A Protection from Evil spell keeps the swarm at bay. The swarm is randomly either rats (40%), bats (30%), spiders (10%), centipedes (10%), or flying insects (10%).

Wizard 2nd-level conjuration

Tasha's Hideous Laughter

  • casting time 2
  • range 60 yds., 30 ft. cube

  • components V, S, M
  • duration 1 rd./lvl

a small feather waved in one hand, and small tarts thrown at the targets

The victims of this spell perceive everything as hilariously funny. The effect is not immediate, and the creatures (1 per 3 levels of experience you have) feel only a slight tingling on the round the spell is cast. On the round immediately following, the victims begin smiling, then giggling, and finally collapsing into gales of uncontrollable, hideous laughter. While this mirth only lasts one round, the victims must spend their next turn regaining their feet, and lose 2 points of Strength for the spell's duration. A creature's Intelligence affects its save: 5-7 (-6), 8-12 (-4), 13-14 (-2), 15+ (unmodified). Creatures with lower than 5 Intelligence are unaffected.

Wizard 2nd-level enchantment


  • casting time 2
  • range 5 yds./lvl, 8,000 cu.ft.

  • components V, S, M
  • duration 2 turns/lvl

a bit of spider web

This spell creates a many-layered mass of strong, sticky strands similar to spider webs but far stronger. These masses must be anchored to two or more solid and opposite points or the web collapses upon itself and disappears. The webs must be at least 10 feet thick on any side, but can be positioned as you please within the area of effect. Creatures within the area when the spel is cast save vs. spell with a -2 penalty to avoid getting stuck--afterwards, any creature that touches the web becomes stuck. Creatures with less than 13 Strength are trapped for the spell's duration. Creatures with 13-17 Strength can break through 1 foot of webs per round, and 18 or greater can break through 2 feet. If the area of effect has no escape, the webs are half-strength, and can be escaped twice as quickly and easily. The webs are also flammable, and can be burned away within 1 round. Creatures within flaming webs take 2d4 damage from the flames.

Wizard 2nd-level evocation

Whispering Wind

  • casting time 2
  • range 1 mile/lvl, 2 ft. radius

  • components V, S
  • duration Until Delivered

By means of this spell, the wizard is able to either send a message or cause some desired sound effect to a place they are familiar with. The wind is gentle and unnoticed as a zephyr until it reaches the location, at which point it delivers its whisper-quiet message or sound regardless of whether anyone is present to hear it. The spell can bear a message of up to 25 words, make other sounds for one round, or simply seem to be a faint, sussurant sound of wind. The wind can move as slowly as one mile per hour or as quickly as one mile per turn, at your discretion.

Wizard 2nd-level alteration

Wizard Lock

  • casting time 2
  • range Touch, 30 sq.ft./lvl

  • components V, S
  • duration Permanent

This spell, when cast upon a door, chest, or portal, magically locks it. You can freely bypass your own lock without affecting it--otherwise, the Wizard-Locked door or object can be opened only by breaking in, by a successful Dispel Magic or Knock spell, or by a wizard four or more levels higher than you were when you cast the spell. Note that the last two methods do not remove the Wizard Lock--they only negate it for a brief duration--about one turn. Creatures from other planes cannot burst a wizard lock as they can a held portal.

Wizard 2nd-level alteration

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