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Constructed Resilience

  • casting timePassive
  • rangeSelf

You were created to have remarkable fortitude, represented by the following benefits:
-You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, and you have resistance to poison damage.:
-You don't need to eat, drink, or breathe.:
-You are immune to disease.:
-You don't need to sleep, and magic can't put you to sleep.

Warforged (ERLW) Racial Feature

Sentry's Rest

  • casting time6 Hours
  • rangeSelf

When you take a long rest, you must spend at least six hours in an inactive, motionless state, rather than sleeping. In this state, you appear inert, but it doesn't render you unconscious, and you can see and hear as normal.

Warforged (ERLW) Racial Feature

Integrated Protection

  • casting timePassive/1hr
  • rangeSelf

Your body has built-in defensive layers, which can be enhanced with armor:
-You gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class.
-You can don only armor with which you have proficiency. To don armor other than a shield, you must incorporate it into your body over the course of 1 hour, during which you remain in contact with the armor. To doff armor, you must spend 1 hour removing it. You can rest while donning or doffing armor in this way.
-While you live, the armor incorporated into your body can't be removed against your will.

Warforged (ERLW) Racial Feature


  • casting time1 bonus action
  • rangeSelf

  • components
  • duration1 minute

In battle, you fight with primal ferocity. On your turn, you can enter a rage as a bonus action.
While raging, you gain the following benefits if you aren't wearing heavy armor:
-You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
-When you make a melee weapon attack using Strength, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll. This bonus increases as you level.
-You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
If you are able to cast spells, you can't cast them or concentrate on them while raging.
Your rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven't attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. You can also end your rage on your turn as a bonus action.
Once you have raged the maximum number of times for your barbarian level, you must finish a long rest before you can rage again. You may rage 2 times at 1st level, 3 at 3rd, 4 at 6th, 5 at 12th, and 6 at 17th.

Barbarian Class Feature

Wild Shape [1/3]

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeSelf

  • components
  • duration½ Druid Level Hours(rounded down)

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your action to magically assume the shape of a beast that you have seen before. You can use this feature twice. You regain expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.
Your druid level determines the beasts you can transform into, as shown in the Beast Shapes table. At 2nd level, for example, you can transform into any beast that has a challenge rating of 1/4 or lower that doesn't have a flying or swimming speed.
Beast Shapes:
Level CR Limit
2nd ¼ No flying or swimming speed
4th ½ No flying speed
8th 1 —
You can stay in a beast shape for a number of hours equal to half your druid level (rounded down). You then revert to your normal form unless you expend another use of this feature. You can revert to your normal form earlier by using a bonus action on your turn. You automatically revert if you fall unconscious, drop to 0 hit points, or die.
While you are transformed, the following rules apply:
-Your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the beast, but you retain your alignment, personality, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. You also retain all of your skill and saving throw

Druid Class Feature

Wild Shape [2/3]

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeSelf

  • components
  • duration½ Druid Level Hours(rounded down)

proficiencies, in addition to gaining those of the creature. If the creature has the same proficiency as you and the bonus in its stat block is higher than yours, use the creature's bonus instead of yours. If the creature has any legendary or lair actions, you can't use them.
-When you transform, you assume the beast's hit points and Hit Dice. When you revert to your normal form, you return to the number of hit points you had before you transformed. However, if you revert as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to your normal form. For example, if you take 10 damage in animal form and have only 1 hit point left, you revert and take 9 damage. As long as the excess damage doesn't reduce your normal form to 0 hit points, you aren't knocked unconscious.
-You can't cast spells, and your ability to speak or take any action that requires hands is limited to the capabilities of your beast form. Transforming doesn't break your concentration on a spell you've already cast, however, or prevent you from taking actions that are part of a spell, such as call lightning, that you've already cast.
-You retain the benefit of any features from your class, race, or other source and can use

Druid Class Feature

Wild Shape [3/3]

  • casting time1 action
  • rangeSelf

  • components
  • duration½ Druid Level Hours(rounded down)

them if the new form is physically capable of doing so. However, you can't use any of your special senses, such as darkvision, unless your new form also has that sense.
-You choose whether your equipment falls to the ground in your space, merges into your new form, or is worn by it. Worn equipment functions as normal, but the DM decides whether it is practical for the new form to wear a piece of equipment, based on the creature's shape and size. Your equipment doesn't change size or shape to match the new form, and any equipment that the new form can't wear must either fall to the ground or merge with it. Equipment that merges with the form has no effect until you leave the form.

Druid Class Feature

Combat Wild Shape

  • casting time1 bonus action
  • rangeSelf

  • components
  • duration½ Druid Level Hours(rounded down)

You gain the ability to use Wild Shape on your turn as a bonus action, rather than as an action.
Additionally, while you are transformed by Wild Shape, you can use a bonus action to expend one spell slot to regain 1d8 hit points per level of the spell slot expended.

Circle of the Moon Subclass Feature

Circle Forms

  • casting time
  • rangeSelf

The rites of your circle grant you the ability to transform into more dangerous animal forms. Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Wild Shape to transform into a beast with a challenge rating as high as 1 (you ignore the Max. CR column of the Beast Shapes table, but must abide by the other limitations there).
Starting at 6th level, you can transform into a beast with a challenge rating as high as your druid level divided by 3, rounded down.
Circle of the Moon Beast Shapes
Lvl CR Limitations
2nd 1 No flying or swimming speed
4th 1 No flying speed
6th 2 No flying speed
8th 2 —
9th 3 —
12th 4 —
15th 5 —
18th 6 —

Circle of the Moon Subclass Feature

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0 0