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  • casting time Bonus
  • range [formation] [tactic]

  • components -
  • duration Charisma Rounds

By fighting as a close knit group, the Squad keeps a look out and protects each others backs.

Tactic: +1 to AC and Saving Throws.

Condition: Squad member is Adjacent to another Squad member.

Noble Defensive Stratagem

Drop and Roll!

  • casting time Reaction
  • range [order]

  • components -
  • duration Instant

A quick signal warns a Squad member of impending danger, allowing them to dive for cover.

Trigger: Squad member is the Target of a Strike.

Order: The Squad member can immediately use one or all of the Step, Go Prone and Take Cover Actions as a Free Action. These are resolved before the Strike.

Noble Defensive Stratagem


  • casting time Bonus
  • range [formation] [order]

  • components -
  • duration Instant

Shoulder to shoulder, the Squad steady their shields and become an impenetrable wall.

Order: Squad members can use the Raise a Shield Action as a Free Action.

Condition: Squad member is next to another Squad member.

Additionally, any Squad member wielding a Shield, can also Shove any Adjacent Creature as a Free Action.

Noble Defensive Stratagem

Spread Out

  • casting time Bonus
  • range [formation] [tactic]

  • components -
  • duration Charisma Rounds

By keeping distance from each other and the enemy, the Squad makes it harder to pin them down.

Tactic: +1 to AC and Saving Throws.

Condition: Squad member is not Adjacent to any other Creature.

Noble Defensive Stratagem

Encroaching Approach

  • casting time Bonus
  • range [formation] [tactic]

  • components Ranged Strikes
  • duration Charisma Rounds

The Squad keeps their enemies close and gives them no respite with their oppressive advance.

Tactic: +1 to Hit with Ranged Strikes.

Condition: Squad member Targets Creature within the first Range Increment of their Weapon.

Noble Offensive Stratagem


  • casting time Bonus
  • range [formation] [tactic]

  • components Ranged Strikes
  • duration Charisma Rounds

By spacing out their angles of attack, the Squad denies their enemies any safe quarter.

Tactic: +1 to Hit with Ranged Strikes.

Condition: Squad member is not Adjacent to any other Creature.

Noble Offensive Stratagem

Firing Squad! 

  • casting time Action
  • range [formation] [order]

  • components Ranged Strikes
  • duration Instant

As one, the Squad fires at the same enemy, aiming to take them out quickly.

Order: Two (2) Squad members can Swap to a Ranged Weapon and perform a Ranged Strike as a Free Action.

Condition: Squad members are Adjacent to each other.

Noble Offensive Stratagem

Single Out

  • casting time Bonus
  • range [tactic]

  • components Ranged Strikes
  • duration Charisma Rounds

By maintaining their attention on a single target, the Squad makes sure each additional hit hurts more than the last.

Tactic: +1 Die to Damage with Ranged Strikes.

Condition: Target must be the last Creature another member of the Squad made a Successful Strike against.

Noble Offensive Stratagem


  • casting time Bonus
  • range [formation] [tactic]

  • components Melee Strikes
  • duration Charisma Rounds

Like a pack of hunters, the Squad closes in for the kill against an isolated enemy.

Tactic: +1 Die to Damage with Melee Strikes.

Condition: Squad member Targets Creature that has no Allies Adjacent to them.

Noble Offensive Stratagem


In My Name!

  • casting time Free
  • range [order]

  • components All Strikes
  • duration Instant

With their last breath, a call for vengeance rings out, inspiring fervor and immediate action in the Squad.

Trigger: The Noble is reduced to 0 HP.

Order: All Squad members can immediately take the Stride or Strike Action as a Free Action.

Condition: The Stride must bring them closer to, and the Strike must be against, the Creature that reduced the Noble to 0 HP.

Noble Offensive Stratagem

For the Fallen

  • casting time Bonus
  • range [tactic]

  • components All Strikes
  • duration Charisma Rounds

By invoking the name of the fallen, the Squad focuses their attention on the one who brought them down.

Tactic: +1 Die to Damage with Strikes.

Condition: A Squad member is at 0 HP, and Strike is performed against the Creature that reduced the Squad member to 0 HP..

Noble Offensive Stratagem

Pincer Maneuver! 

  • casting time Action
  • range [formation] [order]

  • components Melee Strikes
  • duration Instant

The Squad creates gaps in their enemies defense by surrounding them, and takes advantage of it to deliver simultaneous attacks. 

Order: Two (2) Squad members can perform a Melee Strike as a Free Action.

Condition: Squad members are Flanking the same Creature, and perform both Strikes against it.

Noble Offensive Stratagem

Practice Makes Perfect!

  • casting time Reaction
  • range [order]

  • components All Strikes
  • duration Instant

Without a second thought, a Squad member doubles down on their target, with even more determination.

Trigger: Squad member Fails a Strike.

Order: Squad member can make a Strike as a Free Action. The Strike receives +1 to Hit and +1 Die to Damage.

Condition: Must use the same Weapon and Target the same Creature..

Noble Offensive Stratagem

Synchronize Strikes

  • casting time Bonus
  • range [formation] [tactic]

  • components Melee Strikes
  • duration Charisma Rounds

The Squad works in close proximity, making it easier to land their strikes up close.

Tactic: +1 to Hit with Melee Strikes.

Condition: Squad member is Adjacent to another Squad member, or is Flanking their Target.

Noble Offensive Stratagem

Wild Fire!

  • casting time Full
  • range [order]

  • components Ranged Strikes
  • duration Instant

When outnumbered, a quick salvo from the whole Squad evens out the odds.

Order: All Squad member can make a Ranged Strike.

Condition: All Squad Members Target different Creatures.

Noble Offensive Stratagem

Cordon Perimeter

  • casting time Bonus
  • range [tactic]

  • components -
  • duration Charisma Rounds

The Squad stands their ground, closing off any route of escape, boxing in their enemies.

Tactic: Squad member can perform an Athletics Check to Grapple, Shove or Trip as a Free Action, against a Creature that enters or leaves their Reach.

Condition: None.

Noble Utility Stratagem

On Your Feet!

  • casting time Action
  • range [order]

  • components -
  • duration Instant

A forceful command inspires the will to live in the Squad, and makes sure it wins out.

Order: The Squad member gains 1 HP and can take the Stand Up Action as a Free Action.

Condition: Squad member is at 0 HP, but not Dead.

Additionally, the affected Squad member ignores any Negative Conditions when making Strikes for their next Turn.

Noble Utility Stratagem

Everyone Makes It!

  • casting time Reaction
  • range [order]

  • components -
  • duration Instant

The Squad leaves no one behind, and rush to move in to protect any fallen member before they even reach the ground.

Trigger: A Squad member is reduced to 0 HP.

Effect: All Squad members can immediately Step or Stride as a Free Action.

Condition: The Action must bring them closer to the fallen Squad Member.

Additionally, if they end their movement within Reach of the Squad member, they can use an Ability or Item that restores HP as a Free Action.

Noble Utility Stratagem


On Me!

  • casting time Move
  • range [order]

  • components -
  • duration Instant

Be it for offense or defense, the Squad forms up in the blink of an eye, ready for their next move.

Order: All Squad members can take the Stride Action as a Free Action.

Condition: The Action must bring them closer to the Noble.

Noble Utility Stratagem

Momentum Shift!

  • casting time Bonus
  • range [order]

  • components -
  • duration Instant

By adjusting the order of operations on the fly, the Squad guarantees the most efficient sequence to their actions.

Order: Two (2) Squad members change positions in the Initiative Order with each other.

Condition: None.

Noble Utility Stratagem

Tag Out!

  • casting time Move
  • range [order]

  • components -
  • duration Instant

The Squad quickly mixes up their position amongst themselves, and move into a more advantageous set-up.

Order: Two (2) Squad members can Stride as a Free Action.

Condition: Squad members must end their Stride in the space the other was previously occupying.

Noble Utility Stratagem

Triple Time

  • casting time Bonus
  • range [tactic]

  • components -
  • duration Charisma Rounds

The Squad keeps in constant motion, guiding each other to safety.

Tactic: Squad members can perform the Stride or the Step Action at the end of their Turn as a Free Action.

Condition: Cannot end the granted Action next to a Hostile Creature.

Noble Utility Stratagem